Re: HME WG and Web & TV IG joint TPAC discussions

Hi Paul,

I've been thinking along similar lines. I believe that the EME & MSE v1 and v2 spec work are by far the most important activities at TPAC this year for media people.

One clarification: The Web & TV IG is always just a one day meeting on Monday, so the only time for a joint meeting is Monday.

In all previous years, we avoided overlap because the Web & TV IG always met on Monday, whereas the HTML WG always met on Thursday & Friday. This year, since many of us in the IG are also very involved with the Media Extensions WG, we either:
- minimize IG members' ability to participate in these important HME specs, and/or
- lose key IG members from presenting and participating in the IG meeting.

Here's a schedule idea, thinking on the fly:

Monday (08:30 start - 10:00 coffee break, Auditorium IV): HME WG & Web & TV IG joint meeting (all attendees from both groups):
1. HME summarizes EME & MSE v1 and v2 spec status & implementation status (25 min.)
2. Web&TV IG summarizes IG Task Force work (Cloud Browser TF, GGIE TF) (25 min.)
-  Note that both TFs have EME/MSE v2 impacts
3. EME & MSE v1 vs. Web & TV IG requirements (40 min.)

Monday (11:00 - 18:00) & Tuesday (all day): HME WG meeting
- EME/MSE v1
- EME/MSE v2

Monday (11:00 - 18:00, Auditorium IV): IG-related sub-meetings
- Cloud Browser Task Force
- GGIE Task Force?
- Timed Text WG requested joint meeting
- TV Control WG requested joint meeting
- ...



PS: Monday allocation of Auditorium IV and room 1.12 between HME WG and Web&TV IG could be decided on the fly Monday @ 10:30 by a show of hands.

On Sep 6, 2016, at 1:35 PM, Paul Cotton <<>> wrote:

I believe it would be useful for the Web & TV IG and the HTML Media Extensions WG to hold some joint discussions at TPAC 2016 in Lisbon.

In particular as we reach the completion of MSE V1 and EME V1, I would like to recommend that look back on the original use cases [1-2] offered to the (then) HTML WG that caused the creation of the HTML WG Media Task Force and the MSE and EME specifications.

I think it would be useful to review which of the original use cases are handled by MSE V1 and EME V1 and whether there are outstanding original use cases or new use cases that the Web & TV IG thinks should be considered for any future work on by the HME WG.

I believe the IG and WG are both scheduled to meet on Mon and Tue Sep 19-20 is Lisbon.  Would it be appropriate to schedule such a joint meeting to discuss your current views on media use cases?

HME WG Chair


Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2016 00:07:22 UTC