Re: {agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2015-05-19 - Action items, EME bugs and status

Actually I will have to send regrets. Looks like I will still be on the road and not able to dial in at all. Sorry.

> On May 18, 2015, at 11:03 PM, Joe Steele <> wrote:
> Just a quick heads up — I will not be able to scribe tomorrow (I will not have my laptop) and may have to leave about early..
> Joe
>> On May 18, 2015, at 1:48 PM, Paul Cotton <> wrote:
>> The HTML WG media teleconference meeting will occur on 2015-05-19 for up to 60 minutes from 15:00Z to 16:00Z.
>> Tokyo midnight, Amsterdam/Oslo 17:00, London/Dublin 16:00, New Jersey/York 11:00, Kansas City 10:00, Seattle/San Francisco 08:00.
>> Chair of the meeting: Paul Cotton
>> Scribe: TBD
>> (See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)
>> == Agenda ==
>> 1. Roll call, introductions and selection of scribe
>> 2. Previous meeting minutes
>> May 5:
>> F2F minutes:
>> F2F web page and agenda
>> 3. F2F action items
>> a) ACTION-83 - Point web and tv ig members to the use case wiki page. [on Daniel Davis - due 2015-04-22].
>> See
>> b) ACTION-84 - (really rustamk) to update uses cases and arrange for further discussion [on Paul Cotton - due 2015-04-22].
>> c) ACTION-86 - Send an update on bug 27269 [on David Dorwin - due 2015-05-30].
>> d) ACTION-88: Check on whether the proposed generic license request/response protocol is in scope of the current html wg charter
>> [on Paul Cotton - due 2015-04-23].
>> DONE.  See:
>> e) ACTION-89: Do a html wg cfc to move eme to process 2014 and to move it to be published automatically to tr space for each editor's draft commit [on Paul Cotton - due 2015-04-23].
>> DONE.  See:
>> f) ACTION-90: Update bug 20944 if the tf goes ahead with work on generic license request/response protocol [on Paul Cotton - due 2015-04-23].
>> g) ACTION-92: Build a generic wiki agenda for future tf meetings
>> 4. ACTION-88: Check on whether the proposed generic license request/response protocol is in scope of the current html wg charter
>> Status: I have asked Philippe to join the TF meeting to discuss this item.
>> 5.  NEW EME issues since May 5
>> a) Issue 56 - Examples incorrectly use single quotes for codecs
>> 6. New EME issues discussed on May 5
>> a) ISSUE-50 -  Remove recommendation for distinct keys for distinct policies
>> Status from May 5: David has given folks a ptr and patially answered Marks question, He said he will update the issue.
>> b) ISSUE-51 - Remove steps associated with cross-origin or non-clearable identifiers, as these are not allowed
>> Status from May 5:  Agreed upon changes assigned to Editors.
>> c) ISSUE-52 - Remove reference to keys in Initialization Data definition
>> Status from May 5: David said Issues 41 and 52 must be resolved together
>> d) ISSUE-53 - Allow for long-lived key encryption keys (aka "master" keys) to increase performance
>> Status as of May 5: Discussion pending.  Awaiting David's review.
>> e) ISSUE-55 - Clarify that "resources" in close() method refers to non-persisted data
>> Status from May 5:  Agreed upon changes assigned to Editors.
>> 7. EME status and bugs
>> a) Encrypted Media Extensions editor's draft
>> Last updated on Apr 30
>> b) Encrypted Media Extensions bugs:
>> Status as of May 18: 14 bugs
>> Status as of May 4: 16 bugs
>> Status as of Apr 6: 19 bugs
>> c) EME GitHub issues
>> Status as of May 18: 32 bugs
>> Status as of Mary 4: 31 bugs
>> Status as of Apr 6: 23 bugs
>> 8. Next meeting
>> 9. Any other business
>> 10. Chair and Scribe for next meeting
>> 11. Adjournment
>> == Dial-in and IRC Details ==
>> Zakim teleconference bridge:
>>   +1.617.761.6200, conference 63342 ("media")
>> Supplementary IRC chat (logged):
>>   #html-media on port 6665 or port 80
>> Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
>> 17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
>> Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Tuesday, 19 May 2015 13:36:16 UTC