Re: MSE testing status update

Hi Matt,

Matt Wolenetz <>, 2015-06-16 07:58 -0700:
> Archived-At: <>
> Hi Paul,
> Sharing progress more widely, I have updated the MSE test result report
> with Chrome M43's current MSE test results [1], following along the path
> and instructions laid out most recently by Cyril [2].

I’m curious why Chrome is failing so many of the interface (WebIDL) tests.
I mean the tests in

They’re failing for a variety of different different errors, but many
(most) of them seem like they might be WebIDL conformance issues; e.g.:

A.「self does not have own property “SourceBuffer” expected property
   “SourceBuffer” missing」and「The prototype object must have a property
   “sourceBuffer” expected true got false」(which seem like problems with
   sourceBuffer maybe being implemented as an instance property instead of as
   a property of the prototype, as the WebIDL interface definition requires)

B.「PutForwards, Replaceable, or non-readonly attributes expected “function”
   but got “undefined”」

C.「class string of MediaSource.prototype expected “[object
   MediaSourcePrototype]” but got “[object Object]”」

D.「Called with 0 arguments function “function () { [native code] }” did
   not throw」

Otherwise I’m wondering if some indicate that there’s a problem with that
test (e.g., the test doesn’t match the current spec) or they’re failing
because Chrome’s implementation diverges from the spec and the spec hasn’t
been updated to match what’s implemented, or what.


> [1]
> [2]

Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2015 12:03:06 UTC