Re: HTML5 MSE support for HEVC on Android


I don’t know if that’s the cause of the error, but the @codecs attribute of this MPD is not correct (hvc1.1.c.L93.90 should be hvc1.1.6.L93.90, the error has been reported to the authors of this test sequence, and I think they have fixed it now).

-- Gilles

On February 19, 2015 at 12:14:05 AM, Stefan Lederer ( wrote:

Dear all,


I don't know if this is the proper list for that: (if not please advise me which would be a better place to raise this question, already tried it on chromium-discuss)


I want to use HEVC content on Chrome for Android on a Nexus 5 phone using MPEG-DASH and the HTML5 MSE.

·         Playing plain HEVC mp4 files in Chrome/Android/Nexus5 works fine, e.g. this one:  

·         But playing an HEVC DASH stream doesn't work, as the MSE doesn't support the content type: "NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'addSourceBuffer' on 'MediaSource': The type provided ('video/mp4; codecs=hvc1.1.c.L93.90') is unsupported.". I'm using this stream:


Is the error caused by a wrong codec attribute or is the HTML5 MSE on Chrome for Android just not (yet) supporting HEVC on HEVC-enabled Android devices?


Thanks and best regards,


Received on Thursday, 19 February 2015 19:33:14 UTC