- From: David Dorwin <ddorwin@google.com>
- Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 09:22:42 -0700
- To: "Jerry Smith (WINDOWS)" <jdsmith@microsoft.com>
- Cc: Mark Watson <watsonm@netflix.com>, "public-html-media@w3.org" <public-html-media@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAHD2rshzpF-85gvkdMApHfdEqZ4fvTCxT55+ZEmmGHw_KE7D-g@mail.gmail.com>
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Jerry Smith (WINDOWS) < jdsmith@microsoft.com> wrote: > This makes sense to me, Mark. You are looking for markers to bound the > usage of keys so that keys used for extended playback can be distinguished > from keys used to start, but not watch content. Persisting first and > latest decrypt times accomplishes this. > I'm not sure what you're referring to with these two types of keys, but I don't think Mark has mentioned anything about different types of keys. As far as I know, the Netflix use case is for a single key used for the entire duration of the content. Clearly, there is still a lot of confusion (on one or both of our parts) about what exactly this feature is and what it is used for. > > > Jerry > > > > *From:* Mark Watson [mailto:watsonm@netflix.com] > *Sent:* Tuesday, April 28, 2015 8:02 AM > *To:* public-html-media@w3.org > *Subject:* Secure release and persistence > > > > All, > > > > Hopefully this will catch you in your newly-freed "EME hour" :-) > > > > As promised at the F2F I will draft spec updates this week to fill in the > missing details of this feature. However, I would like to make one > significant change in response to comments at the F2F and previously > regarding exactly what is persisted. > > > > The spec describes persistence of a "record of license destruction". Aside > from the fact that we have no concept in our spec of "license", this is not > typically how this feature is implemented in DRMs and suggests a need to > persist data at close / shutdown / crash or other events that cause license > destruction. > > > > In practice, what is persisted is a record of available keys at a point > in time. This is updated regularly *during streaming*. There is no update > on close / shutdown / crash. In a later browsing session, this record is > compared with the actually available keys and a discrepancy is taken as > evidence that keys were destroyed. > > > > I propose that we describe this persisted data explicitly as "for each key > in the session, the *first decrypt time* and the *latest decrypt time*".* > > > > Are there any comments on that before I implement it ? > > > > Based on this change in description, I suggest we call this session type " > *tracked*" - or something similar - since really we are 'tracking' the > usage of keys. This name will also invite appropriate scrutiny of the > persisted data properties. > > > > ...Mark > > > > * there may of course be other CDM-specific information persisted and > included in the release message. For example if the CDM has a concept of > licenses, then license correlation identifiers may be present. Also, how > the CDM communicates time in its messages may be CDM-specific. > > > > > > >
Received on Wednesday, 29 April 2015 16:23:30 UTC