EME heartbeat

EME was last published as a Working Draft on the W3C TR page on Oct 22, 2013.  See http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-encrypted-media-20131022/

Given the number of changes that have been made to the specification since the last publication, I recommend that the Media TF discuss when a new heartbeat [1] EME document should be published.  My proposal is that we plan to publish a EME heartbeat document at the end of January and that we use the rest of this month to close as many of the remaining open bugs as possible.


[1] http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/process.html#three-month-rule

Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Thursday, 9 January 2014 00:48:51 UTC