Re: Issue with updating/updateend

We can continue off list if you prefer but again if I take time to write 
here, it's because I think it can be of some interest for other people 
that will use the API.

I am a bit perplex when you mention that even with streams the boolean 
will be used, definitely I must be misunderstanding something about it.

I suppose that an "oustanding" operation can be something like appending 
an enormous chunk, I think the boolean logic works in that case, but as 
far as I understand it the API is designed for streaming so outstanding 
operations are supposed to be unlikely.

What I call the "event loop" is the loop created by the updateend event 
set on the source buffer, logically you are supposed to append a new 
chunk when it fires, if no new chunk is available the loop stops, so 
when a new chunk is coming later you have to handle it, updateend will 
fire and the loop restart if other chunks are there.

This transition is where my problem is, I suspect that with small chunks 
coming in quickly but sometimes not fast enough to maintain the loop, 
the updating boolean has no time to switch to a state allowing to avoid 
collision between two appendbuffer, the code (which basically is the one 
below) is not passing any invalid data and I have checked that the 
sequencing is correct, what I see is that when it fails the same chunk 
was attempted to be appended.

If I could pass a reduced live test case I would do it  but it takes 
time... I can pass off the list the real use case that you can test and 
corresponding code if you like, I think you can reproduce it without 
difficulty with the youtube MSE demo player just reducing the size of 
chunks retrieved by xhr and adding a delay every x chunks to make sure 
the "event loop" stops before the next chunks are coming in, it can look 
quite strange that I am the only one to have this problem but I believe 
all existing implementations never break the loop, and I have tried a 
lot of things, including buffering the small chunks and concatenating 
them, without success so far, at a certain point of time appendbuffer 
always fail when it happens that the loop stopped.



Le 18/04/2014 02:30, Aaron Colwell a écrit :
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 3:59 PM, Aymeric Vitte < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Le 17/04/2014 23:31, Aaron Colwell a écrit :
>>     On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Aymeric Vitte
>>     < <>> wrote:
>>         What I mean here is that this API just does not work and can
>>         not, unless I am proven incorrect, please answer "I still
>>         don't get the rationale for 'updating' and why appendBuffer
>>         does not queue the chunks by itself", first time I see a
>>         boolean against events, looks very approximate, what's the
>>         use of this boolean in a stream or promises context?
>>     This would force the UA to have to arbitrarily buffer an
>>     unlimited amount of data.
>     Could you explain this please? The updating boolean can not stop
>     the event loop, so data are coming, buffered, appended and
>     apparently discarded at a certain point of time.
> I don't understand what event loop you are talking about. The updating 
> boolean prevents any further data from being passed to appendBuffer(). 
> It is merely a signal whether it is safe to call appendBuffer() or 
> remove(). The updating boolean is always set to false before the 
> updateend event is queued for dispatch. There is no guarentee that 
> updateend will fire immediately after the boolean is set to false. 
> Queued events on other EventTargets like XHR or a WebSocket may get 
> dispatched before the updateend event handler is fired.
>>     The updating boolean is a form of backpressure.
>     Same question, how can this boolean be used for backpressure?
> It prevents SourceBuffer updates while there is an outstanding 
> asynchronous operation (ie appendBuffer() or remove()).
>>     SourceBuffer.appendBuffer() should always throw an exception if
>>     updating is set to true.
>     Why can it not queue the chunk instead of throwing?
> Because that would require the UA to buffer an arbitrary number of 
> queued chunks. The intent is for the web application to manage buffer 
> fetching and only fetch what it needs or is willing to buffer.
>>     Stream and Promises were not even available when the MSE
>>     standardization process was started. The Stream API spec got
>>     rebooted recently
>     Yes and I am part of the "reboot", and backpressure is still a
>     kind of open issue while I have given my thoughts about this
>     subject [1], this can not be solved with a boolean of course.
>>     so I don't think one can make a claim that converting to streams
>>     would "just work". Unprefixed MSE implementations have been
>>     shipping for quite some time and I don't think it makes sense at
>>     this point to convert everything to Promises now. That would just
>>     create unnecessary churn and pain for large existing deployments
>>     like YouTube, Netflix, and others.
>     Maybe, streams for sure would help, now maybe I am missing a
>     fundamental use of updating in this API, cf above questions.
> Many of these vendors would like to use Streams and we have provisions 
> for it in the existing MediaSource API, but we are waiting for that 
> spec to stablize before focusing on it too much. Even with streams, 
> the updating boolean will still exist to prevent calls to 
> appendBuffer() and remove() while there is an appendStream() outstanding.
>>         And no I am not going to file a bug, just take the youtube
>>         player, delay the chunks so the event loop breaks and you
>>         will see the issue. You can continue ignoring, eluding,
>>         disconsidering it, that will not solve it.
>>     I don't particularly care for this tone.
>     Me neither for yours.
> I apologize. I will try to use a calmer tone.
>>     It doesn't make me want to help
>     I don't need help, just this API to work correctly.
> I believe the API is working correctly. The reason I am asking for 
> concrete example code is because I'm trying to determine if there is 
> an actual bug or if you are making invalid assumptions about API 
> behavior. It is hard to differentiate that with just words. Running 
> code can help me see exactly the situation you are running into.
>>     you especially if you are unwilling to provide a simple repro
>>     case that helps isolate the problem you claim is occurring.
>>     Saying "just take the youtube player" is not sufficient given
>>     that it is a massive piece of JavaScript
>     It's a simple piece of js.
>>     and it isn't clear to me how to "delay the chunks" in the same
>>     way you are doing it
>     I am not doing it, the network is, delaying chunks means you don't
>     receive enough data and the event loop breaks.
> Ok. I still don't quite understand what event loop you are talking 
> about. Is it possible your code is passing invalid data to 
> appendBuffer()? For example, if your code blindly calls 
> sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(append_buffer.shift()) when append_buffer is 
> empty then I believe an exception will get thrown because you are 
> trying to pass undefined into a method that expects to get an object. 
> Is it possible this is happening?
>>     . If the problem is as fundamental as you claim, it should be
>>     trivial for you to create some simple JavaScript to reproduce the
>>     problem. Please try to be part of the solution and not simply
>>     complain.
>     I do not complain but taking time to report a potential problem
>     and trying to solve it, now in the light of your answers I still
>     don't know if we are facing a spec issue or a Chrome issue, I
>     don't get the use of the updating boolean.
> ok. I am trying to help determine what is wrong, but I need you to 
> work with me here. Hopefully my explanations above will help you 
> understand.
>     In order to avoid any misunderstanding, I would not be replying
>     here late my time if I did not think there could be an issue,
> ok. I hope you can see that I am actually trying to resolve this 
> issue. The only reason I was trying to direct you to the Chrome bug 
> tracker was because it sounded like you believed this was a problem 
> specific to Chrome and wanted to save the list the burden of a support 
> email exchange. It appears I failed to accurately convey that. I'm 
> happy to followup with you off list.
> Aaron
>     Regards
>     Aymeric
>     [1]
>>     Aaron
>>         Le 17/04/2014 20:16, Aaron Colwell a écrit :
>>>         This is not a Chrome support channel. Please file a bug at
>>> with a complete minimal repro attached and
>>>         I can take a look.
>>>         Aaron
>>>         On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Aymeric Vitte
>>>         < <>> wrote:
>>>             Insisting on this one, I spent quite a lot of time on
>>>             this and it's still not working perfectly, maybe other
>>>             implementations don't have the problem because they are
>>>             not using a so small size of chunks and/or chunks are
>>>             never delayed so the events chaining never stops.
>>>             //on each chunk received do:
>>>             append_buffer.push(chunk);
>>>             //handle1
>>>             if ((!source.updating)&&(append_buffer.length===1)) {
>>>             source.appendBuffer(append_buffer.shift());
>>>             }
>>>             if (first_chunk) {
>>>             source.addEventListener('updateend',function() {
>>>                     //handle2
>>>                     if (append_buffer.length) {
>>>             source.appendBuffer(append_buffer.shift());
>>>                     };
>>>                 });
>>>             };
>>>             This should work but it does not with Chrome,
>>>             append_buffer reaches a size of 0, the last chunk is
>>>             being appended, a new chunk is coming, updateend fires
>>>             --> handle1 and handle2 can execute at the same time and
>>>             append wrongly the same chunk.
>>>             It's not supposed to be possible but this is what is
>>>             happening, maybe related to concurrent access.
>>>             A workaround is to maintain the events chaining by
>>>             appending chunks of size 0 using a timeout, it's working
>>>             most of the time but sometimes appending a chunk of size
>>>             0 fails too, for unknown reasons, on Chrome
>>>             chrome:media-internals only says 'decode error'.
>>>             Specs issue or Chrome issue, I don't know, I still don't
>>>             get the rationale for 'updating' and why appendBuffer
>>>             does not queue the chunks by itself.
>>>             Regards
>>>             Aymeric
>>>             Le 02/04/2014 22:46, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :
>>>                 The usual code is something like:
>>>                 if (!source.updating) {
>>>                 source.appendBuffer(append_buffer.shift());
>>>                 }
>>>                 if (first_chunk) {
>>>                 source.addEventListener('updateend',function() {
>>>                         if (append_buffer.length) {
>>>                 source.appendBuffer(append_buffer.shift());
>>>                         };
>>>                     });
>>>                 };
>>>                 The use case is: chunks of 498 B and bandwidth rate
>>>                 of 1 Mbps, and this does not work at all, at least
>>>                 with Chrome, it might be a Chrome issue and/or a
>>>                 spec issue.
>>>                 Because between two 'updateend' events, the
>>>                 'updating' property can become false, therefore you
>>>                 can append a chunk at the wrong place, if your
>>>                 remove the first part of the code (or replace it by
>>>                 if (first_chunk) {source.append...}) then the buffer
>>>                 chaining can stop if for some reasons the chunks are
>>>                 delayed.
>>>                 With streams the problem will disappear, without
>>>                 streams there is a workaround, but as I mentionned
>>>                 in a previous post I don't find this behavior normal.
>>>                 Regards
>>>                 Aymeric
>>>             -- 
>>>             Peersm :
>>>             node-Tor :
>>>             GitHub :
>>         -- 
>>         Peersm :
>>         node-Tor :
>>         GitHub :
>     -- 
>     Peersm :
>     node-Tor :
>     GitHub :

Peersm :
node-Tor :
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Received on Friday, 18 April 2014 08:29:41 UTC