RE: [VER 2] {minutes} HTML WG media telecon 2013-04-09 - MSE bug discussion

Minutes ->

                               - DRAFT -

                  HTML Media Task Force Teleconference

09 Apr 2013



   See also: [3]IRC log



          Michael_Thornburgh, glenn, pal, Bin, markw, [Microsoft],
          Aaron_Colwell, +1.404.269.aaaa, ReimundoGarcia, ddorwin,
          BobLund, adrianba, Bin_Hu

          aaron colwell

          adrian bateman


     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]CfC: to publish a heartbeat Media Source Extensions
            Working Draft
         2. [6]F2F meeting topics
         3. [7]Discussion of outstanding bugs
         4. [8]out of order appends
         5. [9]Adjournment
     * [10]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 09 April 2013

   <markw> I guess Paul cannot make it. Anyone want t chair ?

   <markw> (I'm on a bus - noisy - otherwise I'd volunteer)

   <acolwell> I can chair

   <markw> hooray, we can start ;-)

   <scribe> scribenick: adrianba

   <scribe> scribe: adrian bateman

   acolwell: i published an updated version of the spec with 5 bug
   ... mostly clarifications, nothing too huge

CfC: to publish a heartbeat Media Source Extensions Working Draft

   WG Decision:



   adrianba: think we need to work with Robin or Mike to get this

F2F meeting topics

   acolwell: thought we could talk about what we need to do to get
   to last call
   ... seems like the bug count is pretty low
   ... do we want the slot at the face-to-face?

   adrianba: i'd like to see us make progress towards LC
   ... perhaps we can give notice to the WG that we're getting

   pal: would like to do this on the 23rd at the f2f

   acolwell: think we can put in a request for the 23rd but it
   might not be decided before everyone is in the room

   adrianba: does anyone on the call object to requesting 23rd?
   perhaps we could add this to the wiki

   acolwell: not hearing any objections
   ... anything else about the f2f meeting?

Discussion of outstanding bugs

   adrianba: would like to discuss out of order appends in this

   acolwell: let's address that after the others

   Bug 20760: <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback



   markw: discussion has a tendency to grow out of control - is a
   real problem related to adaptive streaming
   ... for some devices that can't play high quality videos

   [lost some of the comment at the end]

   adrianba: two issues - are the metrics the correct ones and
   where should it be specified
   ... on the first, i think i'd like to see more discussion on
   the detail of the proposal
   ... on the second, i think this is clearly tied to key use
   cases for MSE, we've asked in the past to include this in an
   appendix so it gets done, but we'll be guided by the consensus
   of the WG for where it is written down

   acolwell: my main concern is that there currently isn't a
   mechanism for recording statistics on media element
   ... and if the HTML WG decides to specify that then there might
   be two
   ... i'd like to get consensus for how to expose this and then
   decide where to put it

   markw: i think we probably should have a target that there is
   something comprehensive on the element
   ... the discussion is quite a long way from going somewhere in
   the WG
   ... don't think there is much chance of this going forward
   ... think this is important for deployments of MSE and we need
   this implementation experience to drive the spec forward
   ... would like to see something in MSE with the understanding
   it might be replaced in future

   adrianba: we are the HTML WG and the full WG needs to agree
   with the output from the TF'


   acolwell: next step is to solicit comments from the WG?

   adrianba: yes

   Bug 19676 - timestampOffset accuracy





   acolwell: let's go to this one since pal wants to talk to it

   pal: subject of lengthy discussion
   ... in the last comment, editor suggests additional
   implementation experience is necessary
   ... my first suggestion is that in that case the bug should be
   kept open and not closed

   acolwell: i could mark as resolved later instead of resolved
   ... that's how we marked some other things
   ... trying to drive the bug count to zero
   ... to get to LC

   pal: sympathise with the desire to mark as resolved
   ... but don't see how this is done

   glenn: prefer to resolve as fixed and open a new bug in future
   ... to vague to say needs implementation experience
   ... that's the purpose of CR phase

   adrianba: agree with glenn

   pal: glenn and adrian, don't believe this is a subjective
   question, very much mathematical
   ... spec says as accurate as possible
   ... bug was opened because of accuracy of timestamp
   ... comfortable with seeing how implementations work around
   that but uncomfortable saying this is resolved

   glenn: my experience, we make decisions in a somewhat
   speculative manner and then move to implementation phase and
   open new bugs if we find them
   ... problem is lack of specific change to make other than
   keeping open

   pal: very early in the thread there is a very specific
   suggestion for how to resolve

   adrianba: if there is a concrete text alternative proposal then
   i think you should reopen the bug
   ... there is a process within the WG to resolve the situation
   ... there is not a clear consensus for what the spec should say
   ... if we have differing proposals the chairs will run this
   ... to decide what the spec should say

   acolwell: i believe i addressed the suggestion for rationals in
   comment 9



   acolwell: using a single rational doesn't solve the problem
   because of if you mix content of different frame rates
   ... i believe the spec text provides sufficient mechanism to be
   close enough
   ... and avoid the problem of if a frame is slightly after the
   last frame it would get removed
   ... i think the time differences because of using the double
   would not be perceivable by the user
   ... that's why i think implementation experience is needed
   ... all implementations will likely round to some precision
   ... and it will be too difficult to specify precisely how
   different implementations will do this rounding

   pal: i agree, fine with waiting for implementations
   ... what i wanted to bring up was marking a bug as resolved
   when it looks like additional experience is needed doesn't feel

   acolwell: as i say, i could resolve as later

   pal: this would help look back at the end at the bugs we
   weren't sure of
   ... sounds reasonable to me

   acolwell: okay with everyone else?
   ... does anyone object to resolving this as LATER

   adrianba: no objection

   acolwell: not hearing anything - just updated the bug, now

   Bug 21298 - Clarify relationship between SourceBuffer, input
   buffer, and tracks



   acolwell: two parts to this
   ... one is a request for a diagram showing how appended data
   moves through MSE
   ... i agreed to come up with a diagram for that
   ... second part is writing a primer on MSE so that people can
   more easily understand how this works
   ... i don't know what the process for this is
   ... if we decide to take this on we might need to recruit some
   for this
   ... i will work on the diagram for the next spec update
   ... question is do we want to work on a primer and if so do we
   have someone willing?

   adrianba: no objections to someone doing it but in the absence
   of someone who wants to do this then it won't happen

   acolwell: should this be a bug?

   adrianba: maybe the chairs could issue a call for volunteers

   glenn: this could be marked LATER too

   Bug 21431 - Specify splicing behavior for text tracks



   acolwell: haven't had a lot of chance to fully digest the
   discussion here
   ... but i think this is going to require some work
   ... different to audio and video because of overlapping
   ... and truncating is more difficult
   ... i will have some comments on this and areas we need to
   ... this seems to be the most work in outstanding bugs

   glenn: i would suggest an approach with a default behaviour
   independent of text track usage
   ... semantics similar to audio should also apply
   ... aggressive segementation should occur and no overlaps
   considered as a default
   ... if specific text track uses want to specify some behaviour
   accounting for overlap they can
   ... text tracks include lots of different types of metadata and
   i don't think we'll come up with one rule for all

   <BobLund> +1 for Glenn's suggestion

   acolwell: planned to do a run through with different webvtt
   ... as long as no overlapping ranges then would be okay

   glenn: in ttml there are overlapping ranges so can't be ruled

   acolwell: yeah, figured it would need to be addressed - any
   help would be appreciated

   glenn: i'm suggesting not trying to solve in this spec
   ... let the text track usage specify as necessary

   acolwell: i will clarify what i think the existing behavior
   should be and we can assess if this is okay for the default

   glenn: that's what i'm suggesting

   Bug 21536 - Specify the origin of media data provided using
   Media Source Extensions



   acolwell: adrianba, you commented on this - is it resolved?

   adrianba: the bug asks the question what origin should we
   specify MSE data
   ... my answer is same origin as the page
   ... assign to me and i'll propose some text

out of order appends

   acolwell: adrianba, you wanted to talk about out of order

   <markw> what?!?

   adrianba: when we added support for MPEG2TS, we made out of
   order appends an error
   ... did we mean this to happen to all formats including those
   that don't need it?
   ... this makes the programming model complex and web apps need
   to keep calling abort()

   <BobLund> +q

   markw: surprised we made this change, out of order appends
   seems like a part of our original design
   ... would prefer to return to the original design

   BobLund: agree with adrian's sentiment
   ... i don't think mpeg2ts imposed a solution that resulted in
   this situation
   ... mpeg2ts text tried to account for the timing discontinuity
   ... nothing in mpeg2ts byte stream spec that dictated this

   acolwell: problem was mpeg2ts don't really have media segment
   ... difficult to detect discontinuity or out of order append
   ... introduction of append sequence made explicit that things
   are adjacent

   any time i want to append something not adjacent then have to
   call abort

   scribe: intention not to prevent out of order appending
   ... just indication that things are expected to be continuous

   BobLund: in mpeg2 there is discontinuity indicator

   <Michael_Thornburgh> +q

   BobLund: for appends where it is intention that there is a
   discontinuity that indicator will be set
   ... not obvious to me why appending with timestamps not
   continuous not allowed

   markw: maybe misunderstood summary at beginning
   ... would be better if ability to append out of order without
   abort was allowed
   ... and case where needs to be explicit accounted for

   Michael_Thornburgh: apple's hls won't have discontinuity in the
   TS itself - will be in the manifest
   ... also if you're seeking around you might not be appending
   segment with discontinuity
   ... thought changes to api would just work in that situation
   ... default is the to use the timestamps
   ... and only in the mode where you say to ignore the timestamps
   would the other behaviour happen




   step 7

   acolwell: main issue where this comes up is for cases where i
   have a discontinuity frame at end of one append
   ... and the packet on the other side of discontinuity in next
   ... in that situation, if you can't assume one append after the
   other are adjacent to each other
   ... then UA can't determine if this was out of order append or
   ... if you happen to append TS one packet at a time then you
   can't differentiate out of order append from discontinuity
   ... open to other solutions for how to solve for this
   ... e.g. both sides of discontinuity occur in same append
   ... but pushback because might not know if it is in there
   ... if app doesn't know where the discontinuity is then have to
   handle in unambiguous way

   <markw> +1

   adrianba: maybe something could be in the append to indicate
   how to handle next data
   ... rather than having abort keep the next status

   <markw> void appendBuffer( ArrayBuffer data, optional bool
   timeContinuous );

   adrianba: then if you use a format that doesn't need this you
   don't need to worry about it

   <markw> void appendBuffer( ArrayBuffer data, optional bool
   timeContinuous = false );

   acolwell: will also think about this
   ... over time
   ... any other items?


   <markw> Thanks for chairing, Aaron

   acolwell: then we're adjourned

   acolwell, thanks for chairing

Summary of Action Items

   [End of minutes]

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Cotton 
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 1:12 AM
Cc: Aaron Colwell <> (; Adrian Bateman; Mark Watson; Pierre-Anthony Lemieux (
Subject: [VER 2] {agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2013-04-09 - MSE bug discussion 

[VER 2] takes into consideration the updated MSE draft announced on April 8.  I have specifically added the remaining 4 open bugs and one FIXED bug that I received a specific request for.

The HTML WG media teleconference meeting will occur on 2013-04-09 for up to 60 minutes from 15:00Z to 16:00Z. 

Tokyo midnight, Madrid/Amsterdam/Oslo 17:00, London/Dublin 16:00, New Jersey/York 11:00, Kansas City 10:00, Seattle/San Francisco 08:00.

Chair of the meeting: Paul Cotton
Scribe: TBD

(See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)

== Agenda ==

1. Roll call, introductions and selection of scribe

2. Previous meeting minutes

3. Review of action items


4. Baseline documents 

a) Media Source Extensions editor's draft:

Status as of April 8:  Last updated on Apr 8:

5. CfC: to publish a heartbeat Media Source Extensions Working Draft 
WG Decision to publish is recorded at: 

6. F2F meeting topics 

a) Does MSE want to request a slot for discussion at the F2F?  Length of such an agenda slot?

Note:  At a previous TF meeting some MSE participants recommended that they wanted to discuss outstanding bugs and getting into Last Call at the F2F meeting.  Therefore I have already added such a request.  This agenda item is thus to confirm that plan.

7. Discussion of outstanding bugs

a) Media Source Extensions bugs:

Status as of April 8: 4 bugs (see agenda items below)

b) Bug 20760: <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality 

c) Bug 21298 - Clarify relationship between SourceBuffer, input buffer, and tracks

d) Bug 21431 - Specify splicing behavior for text tracks 

e) Bug 21536 - Specify the origin of media data provided using Media Source Extensions 

f) Bug 19676 - timestampOffset accuracy 
Note: I received a request from Pierre to add this FIXED bug to the agenda for further discussion.
8. Other Business

9. Chair and Scribe for next meeting

10. Adjournment

== Dial-in and IRC Details ==

Zakim teleconference bridge:
   +1.617.761.6200, conference 63342 ("media")

Supplementary IRC chat (logged):
   #html-media on port 6665 or port 80

Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2013 16:22:22 UTC