Re: @itemid and URL properties in

On Nov 4, 2011, at 2:17 PM, "Jeni Tennison" <> wrote:

> Jason,
> That's *really* helpful, thank you, especially around the rationale for the 'url' property.
> You suggest:
> On 4 Nov 2011, at 19:31, Jason Douglas wrote:
>> So to throw a strawman out there, maybe we could:
>>    • State on that Thing/url is equivalent to itemid and either is accepted.
> If does this, it should also state what happens when both are specified and they clash. Perhaps they should be treated as aliases with the @itemid being the canonical URL?

I'll just note that this is a point that may require very special vocabulary-specific treatment in a processor generating RDF. Properties (@itemprop) create objects, not subjects. With some datatype information, such as we might include in a registry, we can know that a property using a literal value should be interpreted a URI reference. Assigning it as a subject is quite unnatural, as a BNode subject has already been created by the processor.

>>    • Add Thing/sameAs for stating item equivalences (via URLs) across data sources/sites.
> Nice, I can see the potential for that :)

Alternatively, schema:url could be a subProperty of owl:sameAs, which after a fair amount of reasoning can yield what you want (in RDF that is). If schema:url really is used to designate the subject, much better to use @itemid in the first place.


> I'd love to know whether there are any consumers of markup that are or plan to aggregate data across different sites to create a view of information about the same thing, and indeed whether there are any publishers who are generating markup with common @itemids or urls...
> Jeni
> -- 
> Jeni Tennison


Received on Saturday, 5 November 2011 14:44:20 UTC