Re: @itemid and URL properties in

On Sat, 5 Nov 2011 10:43:45 -0400
Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:

> Alternatively, schema:url could be a subProperty of owl:sameAs, which
> after a fair amount of reasoning can yield what you want (in RDF that
> is). If schema:url really is used to designate the subject, much
> better to use @itemid in the first place.

Based on the examples at (for instance, the example at the
end of, schema:url is basically the same as
foaf:page or rdfs:seeAlso, not owl:sameAs. Perhaps even foaf:homepage
(which is an owl:IFP, and thus an indirect identifier).

Toby A Inkster

Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2011 13:14:08 UTC