Global Dates and Times

>From Global dates and times

The following are some examples of dates written as valid global date
and time strings.

    Midnight UTC on the birthday of Nero (the Roman Emperor).
    One millisecond after noon on October 14th 1979, in the time zone
in use on the east coast of the USA during daylight saving time.
    Midnight UTC on the 1st of January, 8592. The time zone associated
with that time is two hours and nine minutes ahead of UTC, which is
not currently a real time zone, but is nonetheless allowed.

Why is Nero's birthday given such importance, as though it is a date
that should be inscribed into everyone's mind who might read the HTML
5 spec?  It is frivilous, and unwelcome.  The description should read:

Midnight UTC on 13th December 37 AD.

Adam Hepton

Received on Saturday, 5 December 2009 14:30:23 UTC