Re: FYI: HTML5 is a Proposed Recommendation

On 09/17/2014 05:47 AM, David (Standards) Singer wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2014, at 10:44 , Sam Ruby <> wrote:
>> On 09/17/2014 05:26 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
>>> On 9/16/14 9:09 PM, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
>>>> We're one step closer to the Recommendation but, in light of the
>>>> normative reference policy [1], the HTML Working Group assumes that the
>>>> URL spec will advance from its Working Draft status to a more stable
>>>> status to ensure it is sufficiently stable for a normative reference.
>>>> The Director is considering whether Working Draft status is sufficient
>>>> for a normative reference from HTML5.
>>> Would you please elaborate on why the WHATWG's URL spec (that was a
>>> normative reference in the CR and the draft PR) was not acceptable by
>>> the Director?
>> I'll note that you consider this topic off-topic in the WebApps working group:
>> Can I ask that you follow your own recommendation and follow up on this topic on the public-w3cprocess list?
> some of us might think this is off-topic for a list that is concerned with revising the w3c process document.  what process revision are you suggesting?

Fair enough. suggests sending comments 
to Philippe Le Hégaret and Ralph Swick, and copying w3c-archive.

> David Singer
> Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 09:51:54 UTC