Call for response: meeting in Europe, 9-10 July


Assuming there are sufficient positive responses, we will hold a Task Force meeting in Europe, July 9 and 10.

Please reply to this message before 10 May, stating
1. If you expect to attend such a meeting
2. If changing the dates to 13/15 July would make it easier for you to attend
3. If changing the proposed venue from Zaragoza, Spain, to a major hub city such as London would make it significantly easier to attend

Please note that we expect to request some space within the HTML TPAC agenda for items of relevance to the TF, meaning we hope people are available at TPAC, which will be held in Sapporo, Japan, on 26-30 October, in case that influences your answers.



Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Friday, 1 May 2015 10:43:31 UTC