Re: 48-Hour Consensus Call: InstateLongdesc CP Update

Silvia Pfeiffer, Sun, 16 Sep 2012 19:47:05 +1000:
> There is obviously a possibility to register bugs on all the browsers
> and tools that are doing the wrong thing. Is the likelihood of them
> fixing it high? And how long will it take? Might it be faster to
> introduce something new an untainted? That's what I'm asking myself

One question is what we want them to fix. As I see it, there are now 
two ways that one could expect longdesc to be implemented: The 
traditional way where the longdesc is opened in a new browsing context. 
And there is the new way, as of last week, where A11Y API are 
encouraged to, at user request, reveal a hidden="" longdesc resource, 
in case the longdesc resource is kept on the same page as the image.

I think there is a high chance that NVDA fixes the bug, as it seems to 
me to be an issue of hooking into what Firefox already offers NVDA via 
its API.

As for VoiceOver, then I don't know. But my hope is the "new way" that 
I described above, could in create the chances. May be James could give 
us a hint.

Steve mentioned 'Internet Explorer'. May be he then referred to the 
A11Y API of IE? For someone really into it, it is already possible to 
create a contextual menu which offers a longdesc link (John got a IE 
developer to describe how it is done.)
leif halvard silli

Received on Sunday, 16 September 2012 12:03:00 UTC