RE: no-title CP - remarks

John Foliot, Thu, 12 May 2011 07:53:09 -0700 (PDT):
> Steve Faulkner wrote:

> Leif, Steve, all,
> For the most part I have remained outside of this discussion, listening
> and watching with interest.  Leif I am sorry, but I must agree with Steve
> here: spinning out hypothetical what-ifs simply because today web-kit is
> doing non-standard pseudo repair does not address the fundamental issue.

Until we change the course, then ARIA is part of HTML5. Hence this is 
not a "what-if" - it is a "when".

Note as well that CSS generated content is part of WAI-ARIA's Text 
Alternative Computation.

We all know that until there is full HTML5 support, we must help UA and 
AT in different ways.

> I fear that, like in the alt text issue (Issue 30), that if we, the
> "accessibility community" diverge too far from a core message, that not
> only do we fracture our results (and ultimately potentially losing the key
> win) but that we send the message of "see, even the accessibility
> community can't agree".
> Leif, it is true that with code, anything is possible. But Steve has
> pressed the browser vendors hard on their plans of providing better
> accessibility related support to @title and it appears quite clear to me
> that we will not be seeing anything any time soon.  
> In good conscience then, Leif I cannot support your assertions and
> proposals in your version of the Change Proposal, and hope that
> collectively we can support a single CP moving forward, although as Janina
> has pointed out consensus does not mean unanimity.

On the TF meeting yesterday, <figcaption> was taken of the urgent 
track. So, there will be no requirment that @alt is used when IMG is 
inside a <figure>. This is also in line with Steve's CP, which says 
that authors should provide an element caption rather than use @title. 
We can already say that AT has less support for automatically 
associating figcaption with IMG than it has for associating @title with 
IMG - one will have to repair this by using aria-labelledby. However, 
HTML5 does not make it an error to not use @aria-labelledby, and hence 
AT will try to repair - retracting to other means than @title.

A solution which counts in @title rather igores @title is better. 
That's just my evaluation of the facts.
Leif H Silli

Received on Friday, 13 May 2011 14:17:18 UTC