Re: longdesc verbiage

Hi John,

Thanks for your reply.

> Ah, didn't know you were expecting a specific response. This looks fine
> Laura; the whole CP is in great shape. Kudos!

Thanks for checking it.

> (one small observation, and certainly not a substantive issue: under Use
> Cases, from a formatting perspective would they not render better as an
> unordered list:
> "They include:
>   * Describing a Logo,
>   * Describing a Cartoon,
>   * Describing Artwork,
>   * Describing Screenshots,
>   * Describing a Chart,
>   * Describing a Photograph,
>   * Describing an Email Banner,
>   * Describing Illustrations,
>   * Facilitating etext Image Descriptions,
>   * Describing etext Images,
>   * and Describing a Newspaper Image.
> Other use cases have also been identified."
> Again however, not a big deal either way... I just like lists <grin>.)

I like lists too. I had it as a list before the modularization. But as
I was trying to conserve space I changed it to a sentence. I'll change
it back.

Do you think we should keep the images in the rendering spec text or
delete them?


Best Regards,

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 00:04:06 UTC