Re: Proof of growth of acceptance/implementation - longdesc

Leif Halvard Silli, Wed, 22 Sep 2010 01:45:20 +0200:

> Laura, here are some info which I believe you haven't listed in your 
> research page:

More info, for you all:

7) [*] only adds to the lottery.
   This is a completely new JQuery plug-in which is violently misusing 

The plug-in is a result of a request to the editor (that is: Ian 
Hickson) for a full-size attribute for the <img> element in HTML5. 
[*][1] When he didn't get the attribute, he starting using  @longdesc 
instead. So now he spreads a JQuery and Wordpress plug-in which uses 
@longdesc to point to large size version of the image. The homepage 
lists 4234 signatures in support of either the plug-in and/or the 
@fullsize attribute.

I have asked him to stop - recommending him to use @data-fullsize 

However, clearly, this demonstrates that the lack of validity and 
definition of @longdesc in HTML5 only serves to pollute @longdesc even 
more. The longer one sit waiting, the more contaminated @longdesc will 
become, and the more valid will the Longdesc Lottery argument become. 

leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 01:08:54 UTC