Re: Proof of growth of acceptance/implementation - longdesc

Sam Ruby, Tue, 21 Sep 2010 17:24:51 -0400:
> On 09/21/2010 04:57 PM, Laura Carlson wrote:

> While that is clearly new information, a list of sites that merely 
> "was not presented prior to the decision" is borderline at best.  
> Issue 30 was raised in 2008 was discussed well before that.  After 
> 2.5+ years, the decision was based primarily on:
> If you do feel you want to include such a list of sites, be prepared 
> to explain why they were not included in the above.

The longdesc opponents must, at that time, also be prepared to explain 
why they did not document possible failure sources for their longdesc 
lottery claims - such as buggy, popular image gallery solutions. [1]

That the issue is 2.5 years, is also one of its problems: We discuss 
things more properly these days, with the decision policy in place. 
There weren't a single @longdesc related bug in bugzilla until the poll 
happened and I and Laura filed some. And Maciej explained last week how 
the HTMLwg seems to work the best when work is happening in the 
Bugzilla rather than primarily [through grandstanding] in the mailing 

The lack of process in the past is thus part of the reason why more 
documentation weren't presented before/during the poll.

leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 00:13:46 UTC