Re: Proof of growth of acceptance/implementation - longdesc

Leif Halvard Silli, Wed, 22 Sep 2010 03:08:18 +0200:
> Leif Halvard Silli, Wed, 22 Sep 2010 01:45:20 +0200:
>> Laura, here are some info which I believe you haven't listed in your 
>> research page:
> More info, for you all:
> 7) [*] only adds to the lottery.
>    [*]

8)  YAG - Yet Another Gallery for jQuery. [*] Version 1.0 (20090131)
    "En passant la souris sur le titre, celui-ci s'étend pour afficher 
une description étendue (rappatriée depuis l'URL fournie par le 
paramètre longdesc)."
    Demo code from the site:
            <a href="media/yag-demo/IMG_0782.jpg" >
            <img src="media/yag-demo/th-IMG_0782.jpg"
             alt="Picture 1" title="Picture 1" 
             longdesc="media/yag-demo/desc1.txt" /></a>

9) However, to intepret @longdesc as some kind of fullsize image, seems 
quite widespread - including in recent scripting solutions:
   At least this proves that a) it works cross browser b) authors *do* 
get that it is an URL.
leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 03:14:03 UTC