High-lighting of caption files

Hi Silvia, Group,

As an Action Item from yesterday's call, I promised to provide the
following link as an example of "highlighting" text transcripts in
association with a video (note, I argue that the need to do this for
<audio> only content does exist - specifically "PodCasts" - but we'll
return to that at another point). 3PlayMedia are calling this an
"interactive transcript".

At any rate, the example can be found at: http://www.3playmedia.com/ -
>From the home page there is a button to "Click To See it in Action"
(Janina look for "See how interactive transcripts work") [Note to self -
have a discussion with the 3PlayMedia guys about some of their site
navigation issues...)

Please note that 3PlayMedia are actively marketing this as a solution to
educational institutions and US governmental groups as a means to improve
accessibility of videos to groups other than the deaf.

Hope this helps.


Received on Thursday, 19 August 2010 17:55:55 UTC