Re: Introductions

Hi all,

I'm Robin Berjon, I've long been interested in standards and hacking web 

I'll mostly be lurking here to see if anything that happens ought to 
influence the HTML standard itself one way or another.

There are many things that we can do around HTML and email (or more 
generally the Web and email) but I think that the highest immediate 
value we can get is if we produce a single specification defining how 
the content of an email gets transformed in order to be rendered.

Part of that is describing what almost everyone does (e.g. strip 
anything that isn't the content of the body) and trying to find a common 
low (but not lowest) denominator for interoperability. The more this can 
be aligned and reproducible, the more we can start to get a sane 

The reason I'm saying that we shouldn't necessarily go to the lowest 
common denominator is because I don't think that we should align with 
the worst quirks of Word HTML. They are by and large probably too bad, 
and specifying them would likely require a whole new HTML parsing 

If instead we get everyone else to align on something that's roughly 
sensible we can probably bury Word HTML in the darkest recesses of 
internet history.

Personally I'd like to reach a point where there's a spec such that I 
could write a general purpose library that would take HTML email in and 
output a transformed version that's 1) safe for display in a browser 
(inside of a broader page) and 2) the same that people would get using 
any other (modern) email client.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 3 February 2014 10:57:56 UTC