GRDDL Test Documents - done with edits

With regards to both of my actions [1] [2] registered in our last teleco, 
I've incorporated comments from Jeremy and Dan, made some additional 
edits, finished up the body of the test document, cleaned up 
supporting text for certain tests, removed as many 
absolute references as I could (there were a few), had a thorough 
walk-thru of the tests, and put together some publication instructions as there are 
certain server requirements (content negotiation, redirects, and such) 
that are necessary for this document's functionality.

The URL for the draft again is:

Noteworthy, was the removal of the XSLT literal result test as it was 
broken per the current spec - see notes below

A class='NetworkedTest' attribute was added on <li> elements for tests 
which can not be run remotely, this is extracted into additional 
statements in the GRDDL result of the test document.

I also had to make an assumption that would be the base URI 
of the test document once published (I attempted to convert to as many 
relative URIs as I could in case this assumption was wrong)

The zip was created by an automated script [3] which used the GRDDL result 
of the test document as an index for identifying the files to archive, so at 
least that verifies that the links from input to outputs are all valid.

The test zip only includes 'localized' tests (i.e., those tests that do 
not require network connectivity to run).  I also checked [4] in 
to the test directory.

Previous links to test cases from the main specification will need to 
be updated.  For instance, the link to the atomttl1 test from 
and the link to the Xinclude test from #faithful-infoset

Additional notes (detailing changes by files):

Assumed base URI for tests:

Misc. notes:

Fixed absolute -> relative URI's in:
  - conneg.html.en
  - grddlonrdf.rdf
  - titleauthor.html
  - xinclude1.html

  - added self document reference
  - fixed absolute URI

  - langconneg3 links were fixed (were pointing to wrong result documents)


- Added RDFS document for subsumes/alternative terms and NetworkedTest 
- Fixed absolute URIs in GRDDL result of test document

## Special redirects: ##

sq1ns -> sq1ns.xml

sq2ns -> sq2ns.rdf

loop-ns-b -> loop-ns-b.xml

## Special response headers ##

grddlonrdf-xmlmediatype.rdf  -> Content-Type: application/xml

## Content / Language negotiation ##

conneg.html -> conneg.html.en (Accept-Language: en)
conneg.html -> conneg.html.en (Accept-Language: de)

Broken tests

litres.xml seems IMHO.  The output indicates that the source 
document does *not* have a GRDDL result.  Even if served up as 
application/xml, a GRDDL-aware agent would still be required (by the base 
rule, see: to compute the RDF graph 
that corresponds to parsing the document *as-is* into a GRDDL result. 
The fact that it has an @xsl:version attribute on it's document element is of 
no consequence to GRDDL and the second dc:description *does* indeed parse 

@prefix _10: <>.
@prefix _8: <>.
@prefix _9: <>.
@prefix dc: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.

  <litres.xml> dc:description """The start tag of the root element
    of this document seems to say that it's an RDF/XML document.
    But it also says that it's an XSLT literal result element.
    And the element after this one doesn't parse as RDF/XML.
    But after you run it thru an XSLT processor, the result
    *is* RDF/XML. So when it's served up as application/xml,
    what GRDDL results does it have, if any?
          [ a _8:Transformvalue-of;
              <select> "2+2"];
      rdfs:seeAlso _10:nsMediaType-3,

There would be no reason to run it through an XSLT processor as no 
transforms are nominated.



Chimezie Ogbuji
Lead Systems Analyst
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
9500 Euclid Avenue/ W26
Cleveland, Ohio 44195
Office: (216)444-8593

Received on Monday, 19 March 2007 13:39:57 UTC