Re: RDFa, Embedded RDFa and GRDDL

On 24/01/2007 00:58, Harry Halpin wrote:
> The use of SPARQL inequality does not work unless datatypes are 
> consistent. Therefore unless Embedded RDF supports data-types we should 
> probably move the example currently in the primer to RDFa, and test to 
> see if Fabien's XSLT supports use of XML Schema datatypes in RDFa.

I agree this might be a problem and it's a limitation of eRDF - no 
datatyping. The glean-hcal transform adds in rdf:datatype attributes for 
dtstart and dtend so there's a basic incompatibility there. I don't 
think there's a quick fix for eRDF so either we amend the primer 
scenarios or we look for alternate expression such as RDFa.

One way might be to use Sparql constructor functions[1] and rewrite the 

FILTER ( xs:dateTime(?start1) = xs:dateTime(?start2) && 
xs:dateTime(?stop1) = xs:dateTime(?stop2) && ?url1 != ?url2 && 
?location1=?location2) .

Would that work?


Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2007 15:48:51 UTC