Re: HTTP Header Use Case

On Tue, 2007-02-06 at 09:45 +0000, Ian Davis wrote:
> [...] There is no
> provision in the existing schemas for extension elements and changing
> the schemas to accommodate RDF would require an extended international
> standardisation effort, likely to take many years. 

Well, that makes the case pretty well.

I'm interested to know if that convinces all the implementors to add
it. I contacted Dave Beckett in IRC, and he seems willing.
Likewise Dom for the W3C XSLT-based GRDDL service.

Chime seems concerned about WG bandwidth to "digest any complications".
I can sympathize with that; I don't see bandwidth in my own
schedule for testing an implementation work.

Brian, I'm very interested to know the HP/Jena position on whether
this feature is worth adding. It seems entirely likely that
the testing effort will fall to you. Jeremy seems to be cranking
out tests faster than I can even look them over; if you can work
with him to build some tests for this feature and use your
newly established CVS-powers to migrate them to the WG test
suite, that would probably make the sale.

I haven't seen any technical argument that says this feature
shouldn't go in; just some hesitation about WG bandwidth,
IETF liaison overhead, etc. I can sympathize with an argument
to postpone this feature on the basis of those costs.
But I haven't seen any argument that the feature is not
The Right Thing, yet.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2007 17:58:08 UTC