Re: Quick review of the primer (was Updated Primer)

On Sat, 2006-09-09 at 17:51 +0200, Fabien Gandon wrote:
> Hello,
> I reviewed the document as it was the 9th of September 2006 at 14:00Z
> "TODO: pretty diagram of this process"
> Here is a proposal of a schema reusing the graphical charter of the use case

Can you share the source of those diagrams so that other WG members
could make edits?

That diagram has nice-looking icons, but I don't like the procedural
aspect of it; it seems to say "first you have to find the profile,
then you fetch, then..." whereas you might have the profile already
in cache from working on an earlier document.

The GRDDL draft uses data flow diagrams.

I tried making some for this case, but I guess they're not much
of an improvement. Attached find what I've got so far,
fighCalendar.svg .

By the way, the source of those diagrams is N3, from which I derive
.dot, .svg, and .png...

~/w3ccvs/WWW/2004/01/rdxh$ make fighCalendar
python ../../../2000/10/swap/ fighCalendar.n3 txformDiagram.n3
--think --data --rdf=br --base=bogus: --bySubject > fighCalendar.xgraph
xsltproc --novalid  ../../../2001/02pd/rdf2dot.xsl fighCalendar.xgraph
dot -Tsvg < >fighCalendar.svg
dot -Tpng < >fighCalendar.png

(and you need the current version of cwm has a bug in
its --rdf=br support; I had to update -D2004/08/08
to get it to work.)

The source of fighCalendar.n3 looks like:

@prefix d: <>.
@prefix : <figMultiTxform#>.
@prefix s: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@keywords is, of, a.

 d:transformation <>.

@prefix g: <>.
 g:label "XHTML +\\nhCalendar".
 g:label "<glean-hcal> stylesheet".

> First sentence of "Referencing Via Profile Documents"
> "Another way to associate GRDDL instructions with an [XHTML Document] (...)"
> Second sentence "(...) requires that the profile document [contains] 
> GRDDL (...)"
> Next to last paragraph: "(...) it expects that the [instructions] 
> identified by (...)"
> Also, here is a possible schema for this section:

How about 2 figures for that one, to show the recursion?

(1) a figure showing how to get, from the profile document, the RDF
 <> grddl:profileTransformation
   <> .


(2) a diagram starting with david-erdf.html , finding the erdf profile,
  and getting the calendar data out, pretty much like the
  existing diagram.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 19 September 2006 20:54:07 UTC