Hello world test case

I've reviewed the first testcase[1] and in my view to make this test 
case as clear and unambiguous as possible we need to do one of two things:

(a) change the html document and stylesheets so that the triples 
produced make no reference to the URI of the html document. This could 
be achieved by using markup like:

<div><a href="http://example.org/books#stand">The Stand</a> by <a 
href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_King" rel="page"
 >Stephen King</a></div>

resulting in triples like:

_:g1 rdf:type foaf:Person .
_:g1 foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_King> .
<http://example.org/books#stand> foaf:maker _:g1 .
<http://example.org/books#stand> dc:title "The Stand" .

or (b) resolve issue-base-param and modify the stylesheets used in the 
test case to expect the specified base parameter and output this in the 
resulting RDF/XML.

At this stage I lean towards (a) and I'm willing to make the necessary 
modifications. Before I do I'd like to hear some other opinions.


[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist1.html#title_author

Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2006 22:27:02 UTC