Re: Legal Notice in Individual SKOS Glossaries Missing

Dominique Hazael-Massieux,

It would be good if we kept the dc:rights for human-readable copyright notice, and eventually use dcterms:license for the license URL. So, the rdf:Description with an empty rdf:about wouldn't be needed and instead, the following properties could be added to the main rdf:Description.

<dcterms:license xmlns:dcterms=""  rdf:resource=""/>
<dc:rights>Copyright &#169; [THE RELEVANT COPYRIGHT STATEMENT]</dc:rights>

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of the Forrest community.

Sina K. Heshmati

On Tue, August 7, 2007 3:44 pm, Dominique Hazael-Massieux <> said:

> Hi,
> Le vendredi 03 août 2007 à 16:03 +0200, Sina K. Heshmati a
> écrit :
>> A few glossaries that are made available [2] by the W3C Glossary and Dictionary
>> Project [3] in SKOS format have been selected to serve as samples to demonstrate
>> how the plugin aggregates content from external sources.
>> As a result, the content from an external source may be presented in pages with
>> Apache copyright statement. Therefore, we need to make sure that the right legal
>> notice is associated with the aggregated content. To that end, I was wondering
>> if a project committer could add an explicit legal notice to SKOS glossaries
>> [2],
>> so that we'll be able to refer to those resources in our source code.
> I have added the following notice to most glossaries in the W3C
> glossary:
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
>   <dc:rights xmlns:dc=""
> rdf:resource=""
> />
> </rdf:Description>
> There is once instance where the license terms refer to a different URI
> (the one for the HTTP spec), and one for which the licensing terms are
> undefined (and for which I didn't set any value).
> Hope this helps,
> Dom
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]

Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2007 20:53:36 UTC