Legal Notice in Individual SKOS Glossaries Missing

ugin to support the SKOS vocabulary is being developed for Apache Forrest [1].
A few glossaries that are made available [2] by the W3C Glossary and Dictionary Project [3] in SKOS format have been selected to serve as samples to demonstrate
how the plugin aggregates content from external sources.

As a result, the content from an external source may be presented in pages with 
Apache copyright statement. Therefore, we need to make sure that the right legal 
notice is associated with the aggregated content. To that end, I was wondering
if a project committer could add an explicit legal notice to SKOS glossaries [2],
so that we'll be able to refer to those resources in our source code.

Sina K. Heshmati


Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2007 08:37:56 UTC