W3C GLD WG Thur 24-Oct-2013 — Meeting Agenda

Hi all,

I'm sorry this is a few minutes past the deadline — I hope it's not too late!

Looking forward to catching up tomorrow.



Hadley Beeman
W3C Government Linked Data Working Group

Main agenda (copied from the Wiki):  [1] 

For each deliverable, please be ready to talk about:

	• where you are at the moment and what you've accomplished since our last call
	• what you need from the working group to resolve your work - ideally in the next two months

 Status update:

		1. DCAT - Status of the deliverable (rec track or working group note)? And resources available? (Fadi)
		2. Best practices - do we have text to review? If not, what is the timetable to get a thorough note written and reviewed in the next two months? Or is this no longer a priority for the working group? (Boris and Bernadette)
		3. Data Cube - Progress in finding implementations? (entire group)
		4. ORG - Progress in finding implementations (entire group)

[1] http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20131024

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 14:38:56 UTC