Re: AW: [QB] Last Call document draft

Hi Benedikt,

On 07/03/13 17:19, Benedikt Kaempgen wrote:

> Larger feedback:
> ==10.2 Hierarchical code lists==
> * For OLAP on QB [1], I use hierarchy levels of increasing detail as first class citizens in the data, e.g., to give them a name such as "Product Brand". Therefore, I am using XKOS for representing hierarchy levels (xkos:ClassificationLevel, subclass of skos:Collection) [2].
> * Here, I would still use skos:narrower to define relationships between skos:Concepts.
> * However, I would connect those concepts via skos:member to separate xkos:ClassificationLevels, each having a xkos:depth, and would then connect those xkos:ClassificationLevels via skos:inScheme to the code list.
> * Also, I would not declare skos:topConcept but rather define the top concepts via an upmost level (depth 0 or 1).
> * I want to make sure that I still comply with the vocabulary and do "not use terms from other vocabularies instead of ones defined in this vocabulary that could reasonably be used".
> * Thus, my question: Can publishers still reuse XKOS together with QB? I think, we should allow and clarify this. For instance, this could mean to allow that skos:Collections are connected to a code list instead of using skos:hasTopConcept.

I agree that you should be able to use xkos with QB. I don't think it is 
appropriate to specially call out xkos so the question is whether any 
change is required in the current text.

We now explicitly allow skos:Collection as a qb:codeList (see the 
owl:unionOf range declaration that was added to address ISSUE-39).

The relevant well-formedness criterion is IC-19 [1] which expects that 
if the codeList is a skos:ConceptScheme then the concepts link to the 
scheme via skos:inScheme and if it is a skos:Collection then that should 
link to the concepts via skos:member.

I think that this allows your usage but if you think that needs to 
change then now's the time to say!

[I'll address the editorial issues separately.]



Received on Thursday, 7 March 2013 17:49:51 UTC