Re: [QB] One more editorial fix

On 18/06/13 10:20, Sarven Capadisli wrote:
> On 05/17/2013 10:10 AM, Dave Reynolds wrote:
>> In answering a user question I noticed a small error in the Data Cube
>> spec.
>> The domain of qb:observation was mis-stated in the reference section
>> (was qb:Slice but with the introduction of the super class
>> qb:ObservationGroup then the domain should be qb:ObservationGroup).
>> The domain was shown correctly in the diagram, the main text and the
>> ontology itself but not in the reference section.
>> Given that this is a small editorial fix I have corrected this in the
>> editors draft and updated the changes section, the static CR-draft and
>> the diff.
>> Dave
> Well.. how about just one more?
> I think the examples with sdmx-dimension:refTime should be
> sdmx-dimension:timePeriod .


Certainly shouldn't be refTime, where did that come from? :(
Surprised no one picked that one up before. It is just an example, and 
the sdmx-dimension terms are out of scope for this document, but it 
would still be better if was right.

For the data in the example I think it should be 
sdmx-dimension:refPeriod rather than sdmx-dimension:timePeriod, though 
the difference is not really important here.

Given that document is frozen for CR approval I'm not sure if we are 
allowed to make even such an editorial change right now. Sandro? 
Otherwise we would correct this between CR and PR (should the WG be 
extended to do that).


Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2013 09:50:17 UTC