Re: [QB] One more editorial fix

On 05/17/2013 10:10 AM, Dave Reynolds wrote:
> In answering a user question I noticed a small error in the Data Cube spec.
> The domain of qb:observation was mis-stated in the reference section
> (was qb:Slice but with the introduction of the super class
> qb:ObservationGroup then the domain should be qb:ObservationGroup).
> The domain was shown correctly in the diagram, the main text and the
> ontology itself but not in the reference section.
> Given that this is a small editorial fix I have corrected this in the
> editors draft and updated the changes section, the static CR-draft and
> the diff.
> Dave

Well.. how about just one more?

I think the examples with sdmx-dimension:refTime should be 
sdmx-dimension:timePeriod .


Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2013 09:20:40 UTC