- From: Martin Kaltenböck <m.kaltenboeck@semantic-web.at>
- Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2013 17:39:04 +0200 (CEST)
- To: public-gld-wg@w3.org
Dear all I had interesting discussions last week with Austrian public servants about 'best practise for a process / for a linked open data strategy in public administration' and thereby my question to all of you comes up if there is some information available in the GLD working group and / or any other feedback by the group or tipps or ideas on that....many thanks for feedback on this (see more below). Fore sure this is also around best practise of 'publishing linked open data' (but for this issue lots of good best practise infos seem to be available) BUT: the question is more around: When a department of public administration starts to publish linked open data (a department, a city, a region or the national gov - no matter if open data is already in place or not): - what are the most important issues to keep in mind (license, schema selection, technologies, URI concept, ....)? - what are the most important known bottelnecks and / or pitfalls? - what is important by selecting the respective data sets (is it important to plan around what data to publish first) - e.g.: publish 'basic data sets' first like spatial data, organisations as LOD et al - so that data sets that are published later on can be linked to this basic data sets - what comes next - after the 'pure publishing' - what else comes to your mind...? Remark: Imagine a small city with 150k inhabitants invites you to give them guidance / help for their LOD strategy - asks you for 'the 10 most important steps to LOD' for their city - what would you tell them? Output of this collection could be a 'best practise guide / 10 steps to LOD in public administration'...maybe something like this already exists - but I am not aware of it - so many thanks for feedback - any ideas are very welcome - best regards from Vienna - martin -- Martin Kaltenböck, CMC Managing Partner, CFO Semantic Web Company (SWC) Mariahilfer Strasse 70 / 8 A - 1070 Vienna, Austria Tel +43 1 402 12 35 - 25 Fax +43 1 402 12 35 - 22 Mobile +43 650 3905697 http://www.semantic-web.at http://blog.semantic-web.at http://poolparty.biz LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - http://lod2.eu/ OKFN-AT - http://okfn.at
Received on Sunday, 9 June 2013 15:39:47 UTC