Re: ISSUE-58 (prov:Organization): Relate org:Organization to prov:Organization [Organization Ontology]

Hi Dave,
Please help me to understand this issue..I don't really get the point.
> As raised by Eric in  PROV-O includes a prov:Organization.
> Should ORG now declare and explicit relationship between org:Organization and prov:Organization?

Org makes explicit relationship with foaf as here:
(1) [[ org:Organization a owl:Class, rdfs:Class;
     rdfs:subClassOf  foaf:Agent;
     owl:equivalentClass foaf:Organization;
     rdfs:label "Organization"@en;

While in PROV-O, there is no explicit relationship with 
foaf:Organization nor foaf:Agent

(2) [[
     a owl:Class ;
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
     rdfs:label "Organization" ;
     rdfs:subClassOf prov:Agent ;

Looking at the spec, they do not mention such relationship.
So, why do ORG be so explicit with PROV-O?
Do PROV-O also consider having explicit relationship with for e.g. 

> Should that be owl:equivalentClass or just rdfs:subClassOf?

Sorry if I don't understand this issue.

Thanks for any clarification on this issue.


Ghislain Atemezing
EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
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Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 13:19:29 UTC