Re: update on Exit Criteria, was Re: ORG futures

On 2013-04-16, at 5:48 PM, Dave Reynolds wrote:

> In trying to figure how to approach CR I've been thinking of ORG as a simple core (the notion of an organization, minimal properties for describing and classifying one, simple membership properties) plus a set of "features". These are:
>  1. sites and addresses
>  2. organizational substructure
>  3. posts
>  4. roles and the org:Membership n-ary relation
>  5. historical information
>  6. collaborations
> Each "feature" is a bundle of classes, properties and the occasional axiom.
> The early ones are used a lot. It's less clear how much the later ones have been used to date.
> The thing I'm mulling over is that if no one during CR touches a feature at all, say historical information, then we might worry it has not had sufficient work out to be sure it is fit for purpose. Whereas if they touch a feature but don't use every corner if it then that's fine.

In my own work and efforts to get ORG adopted, 2, 3 and 4 are used extensively. So far, 6 has never come up.

For 1, it's often easier to just leave addresses as a blob of text, and not worry about splitting it into component parts. The use cases that I encounter need to associate an address to a person/post, not an organization; in those cases, it's easier to have a direct relation between a person/post and an address instead of going through a Site, since we rarely have any additional info to attach to the site. It's a bit too indirect to mint a new site just to attach an elected officials constituency address to that site. So, that bundle isn't being used much in my work.

For 5, org:memberDuring is the only property in that bundle, as far as I know. ORG has no support for historical posts or historical organizations. ( has foundingDate for an Organization, but no dissolutionDate. It also has birthDate and deathDate for people.) It's impossible in ORG to express the date on which a person started holding a post, or to express a post previously held by a person; in my work (which is mostly JSON), I allow a membership to refer to a post in order to achieve these. In those use cases, the post never refers to the person holding the post; that's left up to the memberships, present and past.

All that to say, I wouldn't consider 5 to be a fleshed-out bundle. I certainty haven't been reviewing ORG as if that were one of its features. I'm happy to keep org:memberDuring around, but I wouldn't feel comfortable saying that ORG is any good at expressing historical info.


Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 03:48:38 UTC