- From: João Paulo Almeida <jpalmeida@inf.ufes.br>
- Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 17:25:30 -0200
- To: <public-gld-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CCD2BF0A.5F1F6%jpalmeida@inf.ufes.br>
Dear All, I have some questions about the ORG Ontology: Can Posts contain sub Organizational Units? This is currently allowed in the ontology, but does not seem to make sense to me when I think of applications and the intuitive connotation of Post. (I am still trying to make sense of what are the benefits of Post being a subclass of Organization. The fact that a Post can be held by multiple people does not seem to be enough, since Post could also be a direct subclass of foaf:Agent, in which case it could be a foaf:Group.) What is the difference between hasSubOrganization - when used between org:Organization and org:Post - and hasPost (which has domain Organization and range Post)? If there is no difference (and if one insists that Post is a subclass of Organization) shouldn't org:hasPost be a subproperty of org:hasSubOrganization (just like org:hasUnit is)? If an agent is a member of a sub organization (O2), which is a sub organization of an organization (O1), is the agent also a member of O1? Suppose that we're talking about a particular University, e.g., "The Federal University of Espírito Santo". Would we then have different Posts for each of the "Associate Professors" that are members of the university? Is organization (domain org:Membership, range foaf:Agent) a functional property? (I think so.) Is organization (domain org:Membership, range org:Organization) a functional property? Is role (domain org:Membership, range org:Role) a functional property? regards, João Paulo
Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 19:26:06 UTC