Vocabularies, DCAT, ADMS call result

Dear all,

The call to discuss work on DCAT and the closely related EU work on ADMS 
has just ended. Minutes are on the wiki at [1] as normal. I can only 
apologise for not being able to tell you even now which of Martin 
Kaltenböck or Martín Álvarez was on the phone as not everyone wished to 
speak. Also, I only booked 10 ports on Zakim which meant that some 
people were unable to dial in - we were over subscribed to the meeting 
and Zakim was already over booked :-(

Key points of the meeting:

Subject to approval by the GLD Chairs, John Erickson and I will create a 
first public working draft of the DCAT specification, either just before 
or shortly after Christmas (note - in order to be published before 
Christmas it would need to beat the publishing moratorium which begins 
Monday 16th so after Christmas may be more realistic but we'll give it a 
shot). We also plan to create a document from the use cases that are 
collected on the wiki.

Substantial work has already gone into producing DCAT so, although there 
is certainly room for comment, we can realistically hope to make 
reasonably rapid progress through the W3C Process. In particular, it is 
noteworthy that the UK and ES governments, as well as OKFN and others, 
are using DCAT so that Candidate Recommendation should be easy (famous 
last words).

Publication of the FPWD of DCAT would aid the process that is producing 
ADMS for the EU - a method of describing data catalogue assets that will 
use DCAT. By showing that DCAT is on the W3C Process, ADMS is better 
placed to seek member state endorsement of the re-use of its classes and 
properties to encode the conceptual model [2].

Hope this is helpful and is in line with the wishes of the group as a 
whole. No doubt you'll shout in my general direction otherwise.


[1] http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2011-11-28


Phil Archer
W3C eGovernment

+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Monday, 28 November 2011 15:20:55 UTC