Gaming on the Web - breakout session at TPAC

Hello Games Community Group participants,

This Community Group was created end of 2011, following a workshop on games organized along the onGameStart conference:

The group was active in 2012, and then went back to dormant mode. Many things happened on the Web in the meantime, including the development of new technologies that bridge the performance gap with native, such as WebAssembly, WebXR, WebGPU, or WebRTC. I prepared a roadmap for Games on the Web that lists these technologies and others relevant for the development of games on the Web:

I'm wondering whether now would be a good time to restart some sort of activity around gaming on the Web, perhaps taking the form of another workshop on the topic. To gauge interest among W3C members, I proposed a breakout session on Gaming on the Web on Wednesday next week at TPAC:

I thought I'd mention it here in case some of you were planning to attend TPAC!


Received on Monday, 15 October 2018 13:26:35 UTC