Setting a Charter

I'm pleased to see the creation of the Games Community Group, and
appreciate the efforts by those behind it and the workshop[1]
co-located with the onGameStart conference.

May I open a discussion about what we can do with the Games Community Group?

Before I explain my thoughts, let me give you context. I work at
Google on the Chrome Games team. We are developing platform features
into Chrome to improve its support for running games. Some of those
features are being discussed in the W3C and will result in
specifications. Mouse Lock and Gamepad are two examples which are
included in the Web Events Working Group's new draft charter.

We support the concept of the Games Community Group to foster
discussion around a class of application needs for games.

However, as a Community Group there are member requirements covered by
the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). The Games
Community Group is currently unbounded in time and subject material.

I propose that we set a charter for this group scoped to have
informative discussions but not generate Specifications. When a topic
is ready for specification I propose that we find an appropriate
Working Group to adopt it, or create a narrowly defined Community
Group with the explicit goal of developing that single Specification.

I believe that leaves significant utility in this group to foster
discussions of application needs, interoperability issues, informative
use cases and examples, etc.

Thanks, and glad to see you all here.


Received on Friday, 14 October 2011 05:07:37 UTC