Re: Inconsistent description of attributes on <label> etc.

>> 1. Should <alert> support @appearance at all?
> That one. The current spec has it as the only one of the 4 that does not
> support @appearance, and I can't think why not. An oversight?

I would say so.

>> 2. Or should <alert appearance="minimal"> mean the same thing as for
>> <label> and <hint>?
> No; if we include it, it should just be the same.

What I meant is that it's one thing to say that an element supports
@appearance, and another to specify what a specific value of
@appearance, such as `minimal` should do.

I would say that yes, <alert> should support `appearance`.

But I am not sure it makes much sense to show an alert as an HTML
placeholder, which means that maybe we shouldn't say anything about
`<alert appearance="minimal">`.

But it doesn't mean that @appearance shouldn't be allowed as an
attribute, as other values of @appearance, including custom ones, can
make sense.


Received on Thursday, 10 April 2014 16:36:56 UTC