Chrome about to remove XSLT from browser

Hi XForms WG!

I just ran across a news item, maybe old news to all of you(?), that XSLT 
is near to be removed from the Chrome browser.

I've heard the conjecture that it may have to do with Google not indexing 
XML that has PIs, so this removal would help speed the transition to JSON. 
 It's hard to figure out what problem might have been solved by not 
indexing XML with PIs, and it's harder to figure out how a simple 
syntactic translation to JSON might fix whatever that problem was.  Maybe 
it was just a bad conjecture, but I haven't heard any others yet. 

Any thoughts on why this removal might be under consideration? 
Is this alarming or not really of concern for XForms?

John Boyer

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 16:21:53 UTC