Re: regarding Testcase 5.1.a

Hi Joern -- Firefox is not so picky so I'm not sure if this version has
been updated as you suggest.  There's now a namespace declaration on the
instance (and an extra one for good measure on the root document though
probably not needed there...).

Lacking any comments to the contrary, we'll include this in the updated
test suite zip file shortly.  Thanks, Charlie Wiecha

(See attached file: 5.1.a.xhtml)

Charles Wiecha
Multichannel Web Interaction
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, N.Y.  10598
Phone: (914) 784-6180, T/L 863-6180, Cell: (914) 282-3483

  From:       Joern Turner <>                                                                      
  Date:       12/07/2009 06:33 AM                                                                                             
  Subject:    regarding Testcase 5.1.a                                                                                        
  Sent by:                                                                                     

When activating the 'Valid Values' trigger our Validator (Xerces)
complains about the Node bound to QName as there's no namespace
defined for 'my:myelement' and therefore the prefix 'my' cannot be
resolved. The Node becomes invalid.

Declaring a namespace with that prefix fixes that problem in our
implementation. I think Xerces is right here as the QName validation
does not only test for lexical correctness of the QName but also
checks if there a namespace in scope for the given prefix.



Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2009 22:08:26 UTC