[Implementations] JavaRosa

(Not sure if I reported this earlier, but here goes again if I did :-) )

OpenROSA: Consortium for mobile data collection and decision support.  
JavaROSA is a part thereof, a phone-based Java app (uses XForms, open  
standards in background).

What is JavaRosa?

JavaRosa is an open-source platform for data collection on mobile devices.  
At its core, JavaRosa is based on the XForms standard -- the official W3C  
standard for next-generation data collection and interchange. JavaRosa is  
written in Java Mobile Edition (J2ME), and supports a wide array of  
devices, from top-end smart phones and PDAs with large screens and  
abundant memory, to low-end devices like the Nokia 6085 and 2630. Making  
JavaRosa usable on low-resource devices is one of the project's highest  



Received on Tuesday, 14 October 2008 18:06:37 UTC