Re: Updates to section "9.3.5 The insert Action"

Hi Erik,

The adjustment you made for repeat index looks good, though I do also have 
an outstanding LC comment that questions why on earth are we retaining the 
part immediately afterward that resets the indexes of inner repeats.  So I 
adjusted step 8 of insert and step 5 of delete to show what the spec 
changes would be if we got rid of inner repeat index reinitialization.

Regarding the minor issue you raised that  insert context is restricted to 
being an element, note that this was done to simplify some of the later 
decision points around choosing a target location.  So, I preserved your 
change, but felt it necessary to change part 6 to accommodate.

Regarding removal of step 6B, that's good, but it contained a fix we made 
at the FtF, so I had to adjust step 6 to accommodate for it since 
otherwise you would get down to the end of step 6 and not have accounted 
for the attribute order problem.

Turned out to be easiest just to deal with attributes in 6a.  It also 
seemed necessary to move the root node material to 6B, then do the general 
case in the remainder of the step.  It really looks simpler now, esp. 
since we did delete that old step 6B that you wanted to remove, so please 
have a look through it.

Also, have a look at step 8 of insert and step 5 of delete and let me know 
what you think about the inner repeat index reinitialization issue.

Finally, I'll get back to you about removing "homogeneous collection". 
Frankly, I would rather it if you could take on the task of writing the 
better examples people want for insert and delete.  I think that would be 
more valuable to the WG as you are immersed in this issue right now.  I 
have a clear idea of what the WG wants changed, so it's not too ambiguous 
a task.  Are you amenable to taking it on?

John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
STSM: Lotus Forms Architect and Researcher
Chair, W3C Forms Working Group
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Victoria Software Lab


Erik Bruchez <> 
Sent by:
07/17/2007 03:25 PM
Please respond to

"Forms WG (new)" <>
Updates to section "9.3.5 The insert Action"


I integrated the suggestions from the following messages into this

Issues with point 6b of insert action

Minor Issue with point 1 of insert action

xforms:index and repeat index updates

Unless I am mistaken, with the exception of the "attribute position"
issue which was already handled at the last f2f, the above messages
contain the issues with xforms:repeat which I had the green light to
integrate into the spec.

John, I attach my modified ui.xml with diff marks. This is based off a
bundle I downloaded on Tuesday.

I note that the text still contains references to homogeneous
collections. Did you plan to remove this, or should I do it as well?



Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><div1 id="ui">
  <head>XForms User Interface</head>
  <p>This chapter covers XForms features for combining <termref 
def="def-form-control">form control</termref>s into user interfaces.</p>
  <div2 id="ui-group-module">
    <head>The XForms Group Module</head>
    <p> All form controls defined in <specref ref="controls"/> are treated 
as individual units for purposes of visual layout e.g., in XHTML 
processing. Aggregation of form controls with markup defined in this 
chapter provides semantics about the relationship among user interface 
controls; such knowledge can be useful in delivering a coherent UI to 
small devices. For example, if the user interface needs to be split up 
over several screens, controls appearing inside the same aggregation would 
typically be rendered on the same screen or page. The elements and 
attributes included in this module are:</p>
    <table border="1" summary="listing of XForms Group elements, 
attributes, and content models">
          <th>Minimal Content Model</th>
          <td><termref def="ui-group">group</termref></td>
          <td><termref def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, 
<termref def="attrs-ui-common">UI Common</termref>, <termref 
def="structure-attrs-single-node">Single Node Binding</termref> 
          <td>label?, ((<termref def="elems-form-controls">Form 
Controls</termref>)|group|switch|repeat|<termref def="elems-ui-common">UI 
    <div3 id="ui-group">
      <head>The group Element</head>
      <p>The <el>group</el> element is used as a container for defining a 
hierarchy of form controls. 
      Groups can be nested to create complex hierarchies. A group is 
considered to 
      be non-relevant if and only if:</p>
 <item><p>the Single Node Binding is expressed and resolves to empty 
 <item><p>the Single Node Binding is expressed and resolves to a 
non-relevant instance node,</p></item>
 <item><p>the <el>group</el> is contained by a non-relevant 
<el>switch</el> or <el>group</el> (which includes a non-relevant 
<el>repeat</el> item), or</p></item>
 <item><p>the <el>group</el> is contained by a non-selected <el>case</el> 
element of a <el>switch</el>.</p></item>
                 <p>All content elements (e.g. form controls, groups, 
switches, repeats and host language content) within a non-relevant group 
                                 are handled as non-relevant. When a 
<el>group</el> becomes non-relevant, it must receive event 
<code>xforms-disabled</code> and then the
                                 XForms action handlers that are listening 
for events on the non-relevant <el>group</el> must be disabled. When a 
non-relevant <el>group</el> 
                                 changes to being relevant, the XForms 
action handlers that listen for events on the <el>group</el> must become 
enabled and then the <el>group</el> 
                                 must receive the event 
      <p>Common Attributes: <termref 
      <termref def="attrs-ui-common">UI Common</termref>, 
      <termref def="structure-attrs-single-node">Single Node 
Binding</termref> (optional)</p>
            <p>If a group is non-relevant, then the rendering approach 
used to signify non-relevance is applied 
            to the entire content of the group.</p>
      <p>The optional <el>label</el> element has special significance when 
it appears as the first element child of <el>group</el>, representing a 
label for the entire group.</p>
        <head>Grouping Related Controls</head>
        <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;group ref="address"&gt;
  &lt;label&gt;Shipping Address&lt;/label&gt;
  &lt;input ref="line_1"&gt;
    &lt;label&gt;Address line 1&lt;/label&gt;
  &lt;input ref="line_2"&gt;
    &lt;label&gt;Address line 2&lt;/label&gt;
  &lt;input ref="postcode"&gt;
      <p>Setting the input focus on a group results in the focus being set 
to the first form control in the navigation order within that group.</p>
  <div2 id="ui-switch-module">
    <head>The XForms Switch Module</head>
    <p>This section defines a switch construct that allows the creation of 
user interfaces where the user interface can be varied based on user 
actions and events. The elements and attributes included in this module 
    <table border="1" summary="listing of XForms Switch elements, 
attributes, and content models">
          <th>Minimal Content Model</th>
          <td><termref def="ui-switch">switch</termref></td>
          <td> <termref def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, 
<termref def="attrs-ui-common">UI Common</termref>, <termref 
def="structure-attrs-single-node">Single Node Binding</termref> 
          <td><termref def="ui-case">case</termref></td>
          <td><termref def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, 
selected (xsd:boolean)</td>
          <td>label?, ((<termref def="elems-form-controls">Form 
          <td><termref def="action-toggle">toggle</termref></td>
def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref><phrase diff="add">, <termref 
def="action-xmlevents">Events</termref>, <termref 
def="attrs-action-common">Action Common</termref></phrase>, case 
    <div3 id="ui-switch">
      <head>The switch Element</head>
      <p> This element contains one or more <el>case</el> elements, any 
one of which is rendered at a given time.</p>
        <p>This is separate from XForms <code>relevant</code> processing 
(see <specref ref="model-prop-relevant"/>), which is based on the current 
state of the XForms Model. As an example, portions of a questionnaire 
pertaining to the user's automobile may become relevant only if the user 
has answered in the affirmative to the question 'Do you own a car?'.</p>

      <p>The non-relevance of a switch is determined in the same way as it 
is for <el>group</el>
      and similarly applies to the entire content. Also, as with 
      when a <el>switch</el> becomes non-relevant, it must receive event 
<code>xforms-disabled</code> and then the
                                 XForms action handlers that are listening 
for events on the non-relevant <el>switch</el> must be disabled. 
                                 As well, when a non-relevant 
<el>switch</el> changes to being relevant, the XForms action handlers that 
                                 for events on the <el>switch</el> must 
become enabled and then the <el>switch</el> must receive the event 

      <p>Common Attributes: <termref 
def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, <termref 
def="attrs-ui-common">UI Common</termref>, <termref 
def="structure-attrs-single-node">Single Node Binding</termref> 
        <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;switch&gt;
  &lt;case id="in" selected="true"&gt;
    &lt;input ref="yourname"&gt;
      &lt;label&gt;Please tell me your name&lt;/label&gt;
      &lt;toggle ev:event="DOMActivate" case="out"/&gt;
  &lt;case id="out" selected="false"&gt;
    &lt;html:p&gt;Hello &lt;output ref="yourname" /&gt;
      &lt;trigger id="editButton"&gt;
        &lt;toggle ev:event="DOMActivate" case="in"/&gt;
      <p>The above results in the portion of the user interface contained 
in the first <code>case</code> being displayed initially. This prompts for 
the user's name; filling in a value and <emph>activating</emph> the 
control e.g., by pressing <code>enter</code> results switches to the 
alternate case, with a read-only <code>output</code> rendering. Activating 
the trigger labeled "Edit" in turn switches back to the original case.</p>
    <div3 id="ui-case">
      <head>The case Element</head>
      <p>This element encloses markup to be conditionally rendered. The 
content elements (e.g. form controls,
      groups, switches, repeats and host language elements) within a 
non-selected <el>case</el> behave as if they were in
      a non-relevant <el>group</el> (see <specref ref="ui-group"/>). 
Similarly, content elements in a <el>case</el> that becomes
      selected behave as if they were in a <el>group</el> that has become 
      The attribute <att>selected</att> determines the initial selected 

      <p>Common Attributes: <termref 
      <p>Special Attributes:</p>
            <p>Optional selection status for the case. The default value 
is "false".</p>
      <p>If multiple <el>case</el>s within a <el>switch</el> are marked as 
<code>selected="true"</code>, the first selected <el>case</el> remains and 
all others are deselected. If none are selected, the first becomes 
    <div3 id="action-toggle">
      <head>The toggle Element</head>
      <p>This XForms Action selects one possible case from an exclusive 
list of alternatives in a <el>switch</el>.</p>
      <p>This action adjusts all <el>selected</el> states (not the 
attribute values) on the affected <el>case</el>s to reflect the new state 
of the <el>switch</el> containing the identified <el>case</el>, and then 
performs the following:</p>
          <p>Dispatching an <code>xforms-deselect</code> event to the 
currently selected <el>case</el>.</p>
          <p> Dispatching an <code>xform-select</code> event to the 
<el>case</el> to be selected.</p>
      <p>This action  performs the following:</p>
          <p>Dispatches an <code>xforms-deselect</code> event to the 
currently selected <el>case</el>  in the <el>switch</el> containing the 
identified <el>case</el>.</p>
          <p>Adjusts the <code>selected</code> states (not the attribute 
values) on the affected cases to reflect the new state of the 
<el>switch</el> containing the identified <el>case</el>.</p>
          <p>Dispatches an <code>xform-select</code> event to the 
<el>case</el> just selected.</p>

      <p>Common Attributes: <termref 
def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, <termref 
def="action-xmlevents">Events</termref><phrase diff="add">, <termref 
def="attrs-action-common">Action Common</termref></phrase></p>
      <p>Special Attributes:</p>
            <p>Optional reference to a <el>case</el> element. The <termref 
def="ui-case">case</termref> to select is specified by
            this attribute or by the child element <termref 
      <p>The <el>case</el> to be selected by the <el>switch</el> is 
identified by IDREF either by the attribute <att>case</att> or by a child 
<termref def="action-toggle-case">case</termref> element.</p>
                                                    <head>The case Element 
Child of the toggle Element</head>
                                                    <p>This section 
defines a child element of <el>toggle</el> named <el>case</el> that is an 
alternative means of providing the identity of a 
def="ui-case">case</termref> element to select with a <termref 
                                                    <p>Common attributes: 
                 <p>Optional attribute containing an XPath expression to 
evaluate using the in-scope evaluation context.  To obtain the
                 <termref def="ui-case">case</termref> identity, the 
result of the expression is processed as if by call to the 
                 XPath <code>string</code> function.</p>
<termref def="ui-case">case</termref> to be selected by the 
<el>toggle</el> action is given by the 
 <att>case</att> attribute or the <el>case</el> element. 
                                                                   If both 
are given, the element takes precedence.  Due to the addition of the 
element, the <att>case</att> attribute is no longer required, 
either the <att>case</att> attribute or the <el>case</el> element must 
<el>case</el> element can provide the identity of a <termref 
def="ui-case">case</termref> with either its string content 
                                                                   or the 
<att>value</att> attribute.  If both are given, then the <att>value</att> 
attribute takes precedence.</p>

                 &lt;case value="concat('case_', 
                                 <p>Whether the IDREF is obtained from the 
<att>case</att> attribute or element, the IDREF may not uniquely identify
                                 the desired <termref 
def="ui-case">case</termref> if the <el>case</el> element bearing the 
matching ID resides 
                                 in a repeating construct such as element 
                                 The general method described in <specref 
ref="idref-resolve"/> is used to determine the desired run-time case 
  <div2 id="ui-repeat-module">
    <head>The XForms Repeat Module</head>
    <p> The XForms specification allows the definition of repeating 
structures such as multiple items within a purchase order. When defining 
the XForms Model, such higher-level collections are constructed out of 
basic building blocks; similarly, this section defines user interface 
construct <el>repeat</el> that can bind to data structures such as lists 
and collections. The elements and attributes included in this module 
    <table border="1" summary="listing of XForms Repeat elements, 
attributes, and content models">
          <th>Minimal Content Model</th>
          <td><termref def="ui-repeat">repeat</termref></td>
          <td><termref def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, 
<termref def="attrs-ui-common">UI Common</termref>, <termref 
def="structure-attrs-nodeset">Node Set Binding</termref>, startindex 
(xsd:positiveInteger), number (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)</td>
          <td>((<termref def="elems-form-controls">Form 
          <td><termref def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, 
<termref def="structure-attrs-nodeset">Node Set Binding</termref></td>
          <td>label, (value|copy), (<termref def="elems-ui-common">UI 
          <td><termref def="ui-adv-copy">copy</termref></td>
          <td><termref def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, 
<termref def="structure-attrs-single-node">Single Node Binding</termref> 
          <td><termref def="action-insert">insert</termref></td>
          <td><termref def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, 
<termref def="action-xmlevents">Events</termref><phrase diff="add">, 
<termref def="attrs-action-common">Action Common</termref></phrase>, 
<termref def="structure-attrs-nodeset">Node Set Binding</termref>, at 
(<phrase diff="add">number </phrase> XPath Expression), position 
          <td><termref def="action-delete">delete</termref></td>
          <td><termref def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, 
<termref def="action-xmlevents">Events</termref><phrase diff="add">, 
<termref def="attrs-action-common">Action Common</termref></phrase>, 
<termref def="structure-attrs-nodeset">Node Set Binding</termref>, at 
(<phrase diff="add">number </phrase> XPath Expression)</td>
          <td> <termref def="action-setindex">setindex</termref> </td>
          <td><termref def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, 
<termref def="action-xmlevents">Events</termref><phrase diff="add">, 
<termref def="attrs-action-common">Action Common</termref></phrase>, 
repeat (xsd:IDREF), index (<phrase diff="add">number </phrase> XPath 
          <td>[repeat-nodeset, repeat-bind, repeat-model] (Node Set 
Binding attributes), repeat-startindex (xsd:positiveInteger), 
repeat-number (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)</td>
    <div3 id="ui-repeat">
      <head>The repeat Element</head>
      <p id="defn-homogeneous">This element defines a UI mapping over a 
<term>homogeneous collection</term> selected by Node Set Binding 
Attributes. This node-set must consist of contiguous child element nodes, 
with the same local name and namespace name of a common parent node. The 
behavior of element <el>repeat</el> with respect to non-homogeneous 
node-sets is undefined.</p>
      <p>For example:</p>
        <head>Shopping Cart</head>
        <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;repeat nodeset="/cart/items/item"&gt;
  &lt;input ref="." ...&gt;
      <p> Common Attributes: <termref 
def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, <termref 
def="attrs-ui-common">UI Common</termref>, <termref 
def="structure-attrs-nodeset">Node Set Binding</termref></p>
      <p>Special Attributes:</p>
            <p>Optional 1-based initial value of the repeat index. The 
default value is 1.</p>
            <p>Optional hint to the XForms Processor as to how many 
elements from the collection to display. </p>
      <p>This element operates over a homogeneous collection by binding 
the encapsulated user interface controls to each element of the 
collection. If an element of the collection is non-relevant, then the 
rendering approach used to signify non-relevance is applied to the 
associated user interface controls. Attributes on this element specify how 
many members of the collection are presented to the user at any given 
time. XForms Actions <el>insert</el>, <el>delete</el>, and 
<el>setindex</el> can be used to operate on the collectionâ??see <specref 
ref="action"/>. Another way to view repeat processing (disregarding 
special user interface interactions) is to consider "unrolling" the 
repeat. The above example is similar to the following (given four 
<el>item</el> elements in the returned node-set):</p>
        <head>Repeat Unrolled</head>
        <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;!-- unrolled repeat --&gt;
        <head>Homogeneous Collection</head>
        <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;model&gt;
      &lt;my:line name="a"&gt;
      &lt;my:line name="b"&gt;
      &lt;my:line name="c"&gt;
&lt;repeat id="lineset" nodeset="/my:lines/my:line"&gt;
  &lt;input ref="my:price"&gt;
    &lt;label&gt;Line Item&lt;/label&gt;
  &lt;input ref="@name"&gt;
  &lt;label&gt;Insert a new item after the current one&lt;/label&gt;
  &lt;action ev:event="DOMActivate"&gt;
    &lt;insert nodeset="/my:lines/my:line" at="index('lineset')"
    &lt;setvalue ref="/my:lines/my:line[index('lineset')]/@name"/&gt;
  &lt;label&gt;remove current item&lt;/label&gt;
  &lt;delete ev:event="DOMActivate" nodeset="/my:lines/my:line"
    <div3 id="ui.repeat.via.attrs">
      <head>Creating Repeating Structures Via Attributes</head>
      <p> Element <el>repeat</el> enables the creation of user interfaces 
for populating repeating structures. When using XForms within host 
languages like XHTML, it is often necessary to create repeating structures 
within constructs such as <el>table</el>. Thus, one might wish to use 
element <el>repeat</el> within a <el>table</el> to create the rows of a 
table, where each row of the table binds to a distinct member of a 
homogeneous collection. Since <el>html:table</el> doesn't (and probably 
never will) allow <el>xforms:repeat</el> elements as children, another 
syntax is needed.</p>
        <head>Tables And Repeating Structures</head>
        <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;table&gt;
  &lt;repeat nodeset="..."&gt;
      <p>More generally, there is a need to integrate repeat behavior into 
host languages at points where the content model of the host language does 
not or cannot provide the appropriate extension hooks via modularization. 
To accommodate this, XForms defines an alternative syntax that is 
functionally equivalent to the <el>repeat</el> element, using the 
following attributes: </p>
        <sitem> <code>repeat-model</code> </sitem>
        <sitem> <code>repeat-bind</code> </sitem>
        <sitem> <code>repeat-nodeset</code> </sitem>
        <sitem> <code>repeat-startindex</code> </sitem>
        <sitem> <code>repeat-number </code> </sitem>
      <p> The above attributes are equivalent to the <el>repeat</el> 
attributes of the same name, but without the prefix <code>repeat-</code>. 
A host language can include these attributes in the appropriate places to 
enable repeating constructs. For example, a version of XHTML might 
        <head>Tables And Repeating Structures</head>
        <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;html:table 
    &lt;html:td&gt;&lt;xforms:output ref="..."/&gt;&lt;/html:td&gt;
        <p>Which could be validated against an appropriately configured 
XHTML Schema that includes the XForms Repeat module. Note that what gets 
repeated is the child elements of the element with the 
<code>repeat-</code> attributes.</p>
      <p>Additionally, when using XForms Action <code>setindex</code>, 
attribute <att>repeat</att> of type <code>idref</code> can point to any 
element carrying the repeat attributes. Similarly, when using function 
<code>index</code> against a repeating structure created via the 
<code>repeat-</code>attributes, the <code>id</code> of that element can be 
used as the argument to function <code>index</code>.</p>
    <div3 id="ui-common-elements-itemset">
      <head>The itemset Element</head>
      <p>This element allows the creation of dynamic selections within 
controls <el>select</el> and <el>select1</el>, where the available choices 
are determined at run-time. The node-set that holds the available choices 
is specified via  the Node Set Binding. As with <el>repeat</el>, this 
nodeset should refer to a <termref 
def="defn-homogeneous">homogeneous</termref> collection. Child elements 
<el>label</el> and <el>value</el> indirectly specify the label and storage 
values. Notice that the run-time effect of <el>itemset</el> is the same as 
using element <el>choices</el> with child <el>item</el> elements  to 
statically author the available choices.</p>
      <p>For each node of the Node Set Binding, an associated 
<el>item</el> is created.  XForms Actions appearing in the content of an 
<el>itemset</el> are created within each <el>item</el> element, and the 
in-scope evaluation context for these XForms Actions is based on the node 
for which the <el>item</el> was generated as described in Section <specref 
ref="expr-eval"/>. An XForms processor must not allow XForms Actions 
contained by an <el>itemset</el> to handle events on the 
      <p>Common Attributes: <termref 
def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, <termref 
def="structure-attrs-nodeset">Node Set Binding</termref></p>
        <p>Whenever a <code>refresh</code> event is dispatched the 
<code>nodeset</code> is re-evaluated to update the list of available 
      <p> The following example shows element <el>itemset</el> within 
control <el>select</el> to specify a dynamic list of ice cream 
        <head>Dynamic Choice Of Ice Cream Flavors</head>
        <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;model id="cone"&gt;
&lt;model id="flavors"&gt;
      &lt;my:flavor type="v"&gt;
      &lt;my:flavor type="s"&gt;
      &lt;my:flavor type="c"&gt;
&lt;!-- user interaction markup --&gt;
&lt;select model="cone" ref="my:order"&gt;
  &lt;itemset model="flavors" nodeset="/my:flavors/my:flavor"&gt;
    &lt;label ref="my:description"/&gt;
    &lt;copy ref="my:description"/&gt;
&lt;!-- For all three items selected, this example produces instance data 
    <div3 id="ui-adv-copy">
      <head id="ui-copy">The copy Element</head>
      <p>Structurally, this element is similar to <specref 
ref="ui-common-choices-value"/>. It differs in that it can only be used 
within <el>itemset</el>, and that it works with subtrees of instance data 
rather than simple values.</p>
      <p>Common Attributes: <termref 
def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, <termref 
def="structure-attrs-single-node">Single Node Binding</termref> 
      <p>When an <el>item</el> becomes selected, the following rules 
          <p>The target node, selected by the binding attributes on the 
list form control, must be an element node, otherwise an exception results 
(<specref ref="evt-bindingException"/>).</p>
          <p>The element node associated with the <el>item</el>, selected 
by the binding attributes on <el>copy</el>, is deep copied as a child of 
the target node.</p>
          <p>A full computational dependency rebuild is done.</p>
      <p>When an <el>item</el> becomes unselected, the following rules 
          <p>The target node, selected by the binding attributes on the 
list form control, must be an element node, otherwise an exception results 
(<specref ref="evt-bindingException"/>).</p>
          <p>The child element node associated with the <el>item</el>, 
selected by the binding attributes on <el>copy</el>, is deleted.</p>
          <p>A full computational dependency rebuild.</p>
    <div3 id="action-insert">
     <head>The <el>insert</el> Action</head>
         The <el>insert</el> action is used to create one or more nodes of 
instance data by cloning one or more existing
         instance nodes. Attributes of the <el>insert</el> action specify 
the node or nodes to be cloned and the
         location within instance data where the clones will appear. The 
clones are deep copies of the original nodes
         except the contents of nodes of type <code>xsd:ID</code> are 
modified to remain as unique values in the
         instance data after the clones are inserted.
     <p>Common Attributes: <termref 
                                           <phrase diff="add"><termref 
def="attrs-action-common">Action Common</termref>,</phrase>
def="structure-attrs-nodeset">Node Set Binding</termref> (optional)</p>
     <p>Special Attributes:</p>
                     <!--Optional XPath expression used to change the 
<code>insert context</code> used to override the-->
                     <!--in-scope evaluation context node. This attribute 
is ignored if the <att>bind</att> attribute is-->
                     <!--present. If this attribute is present, a Node Set 
Binding attribute is optional.-->

                     Optional attribute containing an XPath expression 
evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context.
                     If the <att>model</att> attribute is present, then it 
is processed as described in <specref ref="expr-eval"/> before evaluating 
this attribute. The Node Set Binding is required unless this
                     attribute is present. This attribute is ignored if 
the <att>bind</att> attribute is present.
                     Otherwise, the result of the XPath expression is used 
to override the in-scope evaluation context.
                     If the result is an empty nodeset or not a nodeset, 
then the insert action is terminated with no
                     effect. Otherwise, the first node of the nodeset is 
used as the new in-scope evaluation context
                     node, and the context position and size are set to 1. 
By adjusting the in-scope evaluation context,
                     this attribute affects the evaluation of subsequent 
attributes that may appear on <el>insert</el>,
                     including <att>if</att>, <att>while</att>, 
<att>nodeset</att> and <att>origin</att>.
                     <!--Optional XPath expression used to change the 
<code>origin node-set</code> containing the node or-->
                     <!--nodes to be cloned.-->

                     Optional attribute containing an XPath expression 
evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context.
                     The <code>origin node-set</code> is the set of one or 
more nodes to be cloned by the
                     <el>insert</el> action. If this attribute is present 
and resolves to a non-empty nodeset, then the
                     result overrides the default setting of the 
<code>origin node-set</code> as described below in the
                     processing of the <el>insert</el> action.
                     <!--Optional XPath expression evaluated to change the 
<code>insert location node</code> within the-->
                     <!--Node Set Binding node-set. If the Node Set 
Binding node-set is not specified or empty, then this-->
                     <!--attribute is ignored.-->

                     Optional attribute containing an XPath expression 
evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context.
                     This attribute is ignored if the Node Set Binding is 
not specified or specifies an empty node-set.
                     The <code>insert location node</code> is a node 
within the Node Set Binding node-set that is used
                     to help determine where in the instance to insert 
each node cloned by the <el>insert</el>. If this
                     attribute is present, then its result is used to 
override the default setting of the <code>insert
                     location node</code> as described below in the 
processing of the <el>insert</el> action.
                     Optional selector that indicates where to put the 
cloned node or nodes relative to the <code>insert
                     location node</code>. Valid values are 
<code>before</code> and <code>after</code>, and the latter
                     is the default. This attribute is ignored if the Node 
Set Binding node-set is not specified or
                     empty. If the node at the <code>insert location 
node</code> within the Node Set Binding node-set is
                     the document element of an instance, then this 
attribute is ignored.
         Processing for the <el>insert</el> action is as follows:
                 <!--If the <att>model</att> attribute is given and 
indicates a model different than the one containing the-->
                 <!--in-scope evaluation context node, then the in-scope 
evaluation context is changed. The size and-->
                 <!--position are changed to 1, and the node is changed to 
the document element node of the default instance-->
                 <!--of the indicated model.-->
                 The <code>insert context</code> is determined. If the 
<att>bind</att> attribute is present or if the
                 <att>context</att> attribute is not given, the 
<code>insert context</code> is the in-scope evaluation
                 context. Otherwise, the XPath expression provided by the 
<att>context</att> attribute is evaluated
                 using the in-scope evaluation context, and the first node 
rule is applied to obtain the <code>insert
                 context</code>. The <el>insert</el> action is terminated 
with no effect if the <code>insert
                 context</code> is the empty node-set<phrase diff="del">, 
or if the <code>insert context</code> is not
                 an element</phrase>.
                 The Node Set Binding node-set is determined. If a 
<att>bind</att> attribute is present, it directly
                 determines the Node Set Binding node-set. If a 
<att>nodeset</att> attribute is present, it is evaluated
                 within the <code>insert context</code> to determine the 
Node Set Binding node-set. If the Node Set
                 Binding attributes are not present, then the Node Set 
Binding node-set is the empty node-set. The
                 <el>insert</el> action is terminated with no effect if 
any of the following conditions is true:
                         The <att>context</att> attribute is not given and 
the Node Set Binding node-set is the empty
                         The <att>context</att> attribute is given, the 
<code>insert context</code> does not evaluate
                         to an element node and the Node Set Binding 
node-set is the empty node-set.
                 The <code>origin node-set</code> is determined. If the 
<att>origin</att> attribute is not given and the
                 Node Set Binding node-set is empty, then the <code>origin 
node-set</code> is the empty node-set.
                 Otherwise, if the <att>origin</att> attribute is not 
given, then the <code>origin node-set</code>
                 consists of the last node of the Node Set Binding 
node-set. If the <att>origin</att> attribute is
                 given, the <code>origin node-set</code> is the result of 
the evaluation of the <att>origin</att>
                 attribute in the <code>insert context</code>. The 
<el>insert</el> action is terminated with no effect
                 if the <code>origin node-set</code> is the empty 
                 The <code>insert location node</code> is determined. If 
the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified
                 or empty, the <code>insert location node</code> is the 
<code>insert context</code> node. Otherwise, if
                 the <att>at</att> attribute is not given, then the 
<code>insert location node</code> is the last node
                 of the Node Set Binding node-set. Otherwise, an 
<code>insert location node</code> is determined from the
                 <att>at</att> attribute as follows:
                         The evaluation context node is the first node in 
document order from the Node Set Binding
                         node-set, the context size is the size of the 
Node Set Binding node-set, and the context
                         position is <code>1</code>.
                         The return value is processed according to the 
rules of the XPath function
                         <code>round()</code>. For example, the literal 
<code>1.5</code> becomes <code>2</code>, and
                         the literal <code>'string'</code> becomes 
                         If the result is in the range 1 to the Node Set 
Binding node-set size, then the <code>insert
                         location</code> is equal to the result. If the 
result is non-positive, then the <code>insert
                         location</code> is <code>1</code>. Otherwise, the 
result is <code>NaN</code> or exceeds the
                         Node Set Binding node-set size, so the 
<code>insert location</code> is the Node Set Binding
                         node-set size.
                         The <code>insert location node</code> is the node 
in the Node Set Binding node-set at the
                         position given by the <code>insert 
                 Each node in the <code>origin node-set</code> is cloned 
in the order it appears in the <code>origin
                 The <code>target location</code> of each cloned node or 
nodes is determined as follows:
                         If the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified 
or empty, the <code>target location</code>
                         depends on the node type of the cloned node. If 
the cloned node is an attribute, then the
                         <code>target location</code> is <phrase 
diff="add">the attribute list of the parent element 
                         of </phrase> <phrase diff="del">before the first 
attribute of</phrase> the <code>insert location
                         node</code>. If the cloned node is not an 
attribute, then the <code>target location</code> is 
                         before the first child of the <code>insert 
location node</code>.
                 <item diff="del">
                         Otherwise, if the Node Set Binding node-set is 
specified and not empty and the type of the
                         cloned node is different from the type of the 
<code>insert location node</code>, the
                         <code>target location</code> depends on the node 
type of the cloned node. If the cloned node is
                         an attribute, then the <code>target 
location</code> is <phrase diff="add">the attribute list of the 
                         parent element of </phrase> <phrase 
diff="del">before the first attribute of</phrase> the
                         <code>insert location node</code> node.  If the 
cloned node is not an attribute, then the <code>target
                         location</code> is before the first child of the 
<code>insert location node</code>.
                         Otherwise, if <code>insert location node</code> 
is the root element of an instance, then that
                         instance root element location is the 
<code>target location</code>. If there is more than one
                         cloned node to insert, only the first node that 
does not cause a conflict is considered.
                         Otherwise, the <code>target location</code> is 
immediately before or after the <code>insert
                         location node</code>, based on the 
<att>position</att> attribute setting or its default.
                 The cloned node or nodes are inserted in the order they 
were cloned at their <code>target
                 location</code> depending on their node type. If the 
<code>target location</code> was the root element
                 of an instance, then the cloned node replaces the 
instance root element. If the cloned node is a
                 duplicate of another attribute in its parent element, 
then the duplicate attribute is first removed. If
                 a cloned node cannot be placed at the <code>target 
location</code> due to a node type conflict, then
                 the insertion for that particular clone node is ignored.
                 The index for any <el>repeat</el> that is bound to a 
homogeneous collection where <phrase
                 diff="del">the cloned node was</phrase><phrase 
diff="add">one or more nodes were</phrase> added is
                 updated to point to the <phrase diff="del">newly inserted 
node</phrase><phrase diff="add">last node
                 inserted into the collection</phrase>, and the index of 
any <el>repeat</el> nested within an updated
                 <el>repeat</el> is re-initialized to the 
<att>startindex</att> of the nested <el>repeat</el>. If the
                 <att>startindex</att> is less than 1 the index is set to 
1. If the <att>startindex</att> is greater
                 than the size of the homogeneous collection, then the 
index is set to the size of the homogeneous
         <item><p>The XForms action system's deferred update flags for 
rebuild, recalculate, revalidate and refresh are set.</p></item>
                 The <el>insert</el> action is successfully completed by 
dispatching the <code>xforms-insert</code>
                 event with appropriate context information.

      <note diff="add">
        <p> This action affects <termref 
def="action-deferred-update">deferred update behavior</termref>.</p>

                                 <head>Inserting the clone of a 
prototypical element (append child, prepend child)</head>
&lt;xforms:instance id="people"&gt;
  &lt;people xmlns=""/&gt;
&lt;xforms:instance id="personProto"&gt;
  &lt;person xmlns=""&gt;
      &lt;name&gt;Jane Q. Public&lt;/name&gt;
  &lt;xforms:label&gt;Append new person&lt;/xforms:label&gt;
  &lt;xforms:insert context="instance('people')" nodeset="person" 
origin="instance('personProto')" ev:event="DOMActivate"/&gt;

  &lt;xforms:label&gt;Prepend new person&lt;/xforms:label&gt;
  &lt;xforms:insert context="instance('people')" nodeset="person" 
                 at="1" position="before" ev:event="DOMActivate"/&gt;
                                 <note><p>Generalized append/prepend child 
can be done with <code>nodeset="*"</code> for elements and 
 <code>nodeset="@*"</code> for attributes. </p></note>
                                 <head>Replacing an instance</head>
&lt;xforms:instance id="people"&gt;
  &lt;people xmlns=""&gt;
      &lt;name&gt;Jane Q. Public&lt;/name&gt;
      &lt;name&gt;John Hancock&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;xforms:instance id="peopleProto"&gt;
  &lt;people xmlns=""/&gt;
  &lt;label&gt;Clear Person List&lt;/label&gt;
  &lt;insert context="instance('people')" nodeset="." 
origin="instance('peopleProto')" ev:event="DOMActivate"/&gt;

                                 <head>Duplicating a node</head>
&lt;insert nodeset="some/node"/&gt;

                                 <head>Copying an attribute</head>
&lt;xforms:instance xmlns=""&gt;
      &lt;item show="true"&gt;...&lt;/item&gt;
      &lt;item willbesecondattr="true" show="false"&gt;...&lt;/item&gt;
      &lt;item willbesecondattr="false" show="false"&gt;...&lt;/item&gt;
&lt;insert nodeset="item[2]" origin="item[1]/@show"/&gt;
&lt;insert nodeset="item[3]" origin="item[1]/@show"/&gt;
&lt;insert nodeset="item[4]/@show" origin="item[1]/@show"/&gt;
                                 <p>After the <el>insert</el> actions, all 
<el>item</el> elements have attribute <code>show="true"</code>,
                                 and it will be the first attribute except 
for the last <el>item</el>. The existing <att>show</att> attribute
                                 is removed from the third and fourth 
<el>item</el>, but in the third <el>item</el> the location of the new 
                                 attribute is at the beginning due to node 
type mismatch, and in the fourth <el>item</el> the location of
                                 the new attribute after (due to position 
default) the existing <att>show</att> attribute.</p>

                                 <head>Inserting into a <el>repeat</el>, 
whether or not it is empty</head>
                                 <p>When the <el>repeat</el> is empty, the 
<att>at</att> index is zero so a new <el>item</el> is prepended.
                                                                 When the 
<el>repeat</el> is non-empty, the new <el>item</el> is added after the 
node currently indexed
                                                                 by repeat 
&lt;xforms:instance xmlns=""&gt;
&lt;xforms:instance xmlns="" id="prototypes"&gt;
&lt;repeat nodeset="/purchaseOrder/item" id="R"&gt;
  &lt;xforms:label&gt;Add to purchase order&lt;/xforms:label&gt;
  &lt;xforms:action ev:event="DOMActivate&gt;
    &lt;xforms:insert context="/purchaseOrder" nodeset="item" 
at="index('R')" origin="instance('prototypes')/item"/&gt;
    &lt;xforms:setfocus control="R"/&gt;
                                 <head>Copying several nodes from one 
location to the other</head>
&lt;xforms:instance xmlns="" id="destination"&gt;
&lt;xforms:instance xmlns="" id="source"&gt;
  &lt;xforms:label&gt;Copy items&lt;/xforms:label&gt;
  &lt;xforms:insert ev:event="DOMActivate 
context="instance('destination')" origin="instance('source')/item"/&gt;

<div3 id="action-delete">
     <head>The <el>delete</el> Action</head>
     <p>This action deletes one or more nodes from instance data.</p>
     <p>Common Attributes: <termref 
                                           <phrase diff="add"><termref 
def="attrs-action-common">Action Common</termref>,</phrase>
def="structure-attrs-nodeset">Node Set Binding</termref></p>

         <!--If the <att>bind</att> attribute is present, then the delete 
context is the in-scope evaluation context.If the-->
         <!--<att>model</att> attribute is given and indicates a model 
different than the one containing the in-scope-->
         <!--evaluation context node, then the in-scope evaluation context 
is changed prior to evaluation of the Special-->
         <!--Attributes of the <el>delete</el> element. The size and 
position are changed to 1, and the node is changed to-->
         <!--the document element node of the default instance of the 
indicated mode.-->
     <p>Special Attributes:</p>
                     <!--Optional XPath expression used to change the 
in-scope evaluation context for the <el>delete</el>-->
                     <!--element. This attribute is ignored if the 
<att>bind</att> attribute is provided. If the attribute-->
                     <!--is not given, then the default <code>delete 
context</code> is the in-scope evaluation context.-->
                     <!--Otherwise, the XPath expression is evaluated 
using the in-scope evaluation context, and the first-->
                     <!--node rule is applied to obtain the <code>delete 
context</code>. The <el>delete</el> action is-->
                     <!--terminated with no effect if the <code>delete 
context</code> is the empty node-set or if the-->
                     <!--<att>context</att> attribute is not given and the 
Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or-->

                     Optional attribute containing an XPath expression 
evaluated using the in-scope evaluation context.
                     If the <att>model</att> attribute is present, then it 
is processed as described in <specref ref="expr-eval"/> before evaluating 
this attribute. This attribute is ignored if the
                     <att>bind</att> attribute is present. Otherwise, the 
result of the XPath expression is used to
                     override the in-scope evaluation context. If the 
result is an empty nodeset or not a nodeset, then
                     the <code>delete</code> action is terminated with no 
effect. Otherwise, the first node of the
                     nodeset is used as the new in-scope evaluation 
context node, and the context position and size are
                     set to 1. By adjusting the in-scope evaluation 
context, this attribute affects the evaluation of
                     subsequent attributes that may appear on 
<el>delete</el>, including <att>if</att>,
                     <att>while</att>, and <att>nodeset</att>.
                     Optional attribute containing an XPath expression 
evaluated using the Node Set Binding node-set to
                     determine the <code>delete location</code>. If the 
Node Set Binding node-set is empty, then this
                     attribute is ignored.

         <!--Provided the delete action has not been terminated due to the 
conditions stated above, the rules for-->
         <!--<el>delete</el> processing are as follows:-->
         Processing for the <code>delete</code> action is as follows:
                 The <code>delete context</code> is determined. It is set 
to the in-scope evaluation context, possibly
                 overridden by the <att>context</att> attribute if that 
attribute is present. The <el>delete</el>
                 action is terminated with no effect if the <code>delete 
context</code> is the empty node-set.
                 The Node Set Binding node-set is determined. If a 
<att>bind</att> attribute is present, it directly
                 determines the Node Set Binding node-set. If a 
<att>nodeset</att> attribute is present, it is evaluated
                 within the <code>delete context</code> to determine the 
Node Set Binding node-set. <!-- If the Node Set
                 Binding attributes are not present, then the Node Set 
Binding node-set is the empty node-set. --> The
                 <el>delete</el> action is terminated with no effect if 
Node Set Binding node-set is the empty node-set.
                 The <code>delete location</code> is determined. If the 
<att>at</att> attribute is not specified, there
                 is no <code>delete location</code>. Otherwise, the 
<code>delete location</code> is determined by
                 evaluating the XPath expression specified by the 
<att>at</att> attribute as follows:
                     The evaluation context node is the first node in 
document order from the Node Set Binding
                     node-set, the context size is the size of the Node 
Set Binding node-set, and the context
                     position is <code>1</code>.
                     The return value is processed according to the rules 
of the XPath function
                     <code>round()</code>. For example, the literal 
<code>1.5</code> becomes <code>2</code>, and the
                     literal <code>'string'</code> becomes 
                     If the result is in the range 1 to the Node Set 
Binding node-set size, then the <code>delete
                     location</code> is equal to the result. If the result 
is non-positive, then the <code>delete
                     location</code> is <code>1</code>. Otherwise, if the 
result is <code>NaN</code> or exceeds the
                     Node Set Binding node-set size, the <code>delete 
location</code> is the Node Set Binding
                     node-set size.
                 If there is no <code>delete location</code>, each node in 
the Node Set Binding node-set is deleted,
                 except if the node is the root document element of an 
instance then that particular node is not
                 deleted. Otherwise, if there is a <code>delete 
location</code>, the node at the <code>delete
                 location</code> in the Node Set Binding node-set is 
deleted, except if the node is the root document
                 element of an instance then that node is not deleted. The 
delete action is terminated with no effect if
                 no node is deleted.
                 The index for any <el>repeat</el> that is bound to a 
homogeneous collection that contained one of the
                 deleted nodes is adjusted as follows:
                     If, prior to node deletion, the index pointed to a 
node that is still contained in the collection
                     after node deletion, the index is adjusted, if 
necessary, to point to that same node. If the index
                     is changed, the indexes of inner repeats are 
                     Otherwise, when the last remaining node in the 
collection is removed, the index position becomes
                     0 and the indexes of inner repeats become 0 as well.
                     Otherwise, when the index was pointing to one of the 
deleted nodes, and if the new size of the
                     collection is smaller than the index, the index is 
changed to the new size of the collection and
                     the indexes of inner repeats are reinitialized.
                     Otherwise, when the index was pointing to one of the 
deleted nodes, and if the new size of the
                     collection is equal to or greater than the index, the 
index is not changed but the indexes of
                     inner repeats are reinitialized.
                 To re-initialize a repeat index means to change its value 
to be equal to <att>startindex</att>, or to
                 the size of the homogeneous collection if it contains 
less than <att>startindex</att> items.
                 The XForms action system's deferred update flags for 
rebuild, recalculate, revalidate and refresh are
                 The <el>delete</el> action is successfully completed by 
dispatching the <code>xforms-delete</code>
                 event with appropriate context information.

      <note diff="add">
        <p> This action affects <termref 
def="action-deferred-update">deferred update behavior</termref>.</p>

                                 <head>Deleting from a 
                                 <p>In this example, the <el>trigger</el> 
is not in the <el>repeat</el>.  When it is activated, the indexed 
<el>item</el> in the repeat is first deleted.
                                 Next, if that was the last <el>item</el>, 
then a new prototypical <el>item</el> is inserted so that the 
<el>repeat</el> does not become empty.
                                 The focus is then sent back to the 
<el>repeat</el> from the <el>trigger</el>.</p>
  &lt;xforms:label&gt;Delete from purchase order&lt;/xforms:label&gt;
  &lt;xforms:action ev:event="DOMActivate"&gt;
    &lt;xforms:delete context="/purchaseOrder" nodeset="item" 
    &lt;xforms:insert context="/purchaseOrder" if="not(item)"
    &lt;xforms:setfocus control="R"/&gt;
        <note><p>The form author could have written 
<code>nodeset="/purchaseOrder/item"</code> in
        the <el>delete</el> action, but the <att>context</att> attribute 
was added for consistency 
        with the <el>insert</el> action.</p></note>
                                 <head>Deleting several instance 
            In this example, when the <el>trigger</el> is activated, all 
the <el>item</el> elements under the
            <code>shopping-cart</code> instance are deleted.
  &lt;xforms:label&gt;Empty shopping cart&lt;/xforms:label&gt;
  &lt;xforms:delete ev:event="DOMActivate" 
context="instance('shopping-cart')" nodeset="item"/&gt;

    <div3 id="action-setindex">
      <head>The setindex Element</head>
      <p> This action marks a specific item as current in a repeating 
sequence (within <specref ref="ui-repeat"/>).</p>
      <p>Common Attributes: <termref 
def="structure-attrs-common">Common</termref>, <termref 
def="action-xmlevents">Events</termref><phrase diff="add">, <termref 
def="attrs-action-common">Action Common</termref></phrase>
      <p>Special Attributes:</p>
            <p>Required reference to a repeating element.</p>
             <p>Required XPath expression that evaluates to a 1-based 
offset into the sequence.
                The evaluation context is determined in the same manner as
                the evaluation context for a Single-Node Binding 
                (see <specref ref="expr-eval"/>).</p> 
      <p>If the selected index is 0 or less, an 
<code>xforms-scroll-first</code> event is dispatched and the index is set 
to 1. If the selected index is greater than the index of the last repeat 
item, an <code>xforms-scroll-last</code> event is dispatched and the index 
is set to that of the last item. If the index evaluates to NaN the action 
has no effect. The indexes for inner nested repeat collections are 
re-initialized to <att>startindex</att>. The implementation data 
structures for tracking computational dependencies are rebuilt or updated 
as a result of this action.</p>

                                 <p>The IDREF from the <att>repeat</att> 
attribute may not uniquely identify the desired <termref 
                                 if the <el>repeat</el> element bearing 
the matching ID resides within the content of another <el>repeat</el>. 
                                 The general method described in <specref 
ref="idref-resolve"/> is used to determine the desired run-time repeat 

    <div3 id="ui-repeat-processing">
      <head>Repeat Processing</head>
      <p> The markup contained within the body of element <el>repeat</el> 
specifies the user interface to be generated for each member of the 
underlying collection. During user interface initialization (see <specref 
ref="evt-modelConstructDone"/>), the following steps are performed for 
          <p>The Node Set Binding is evaluated to locate the homogeneous 
collection to be operated on by this <el>repeat</el>.</p>
          <p> The <emph>index</emph> for this repeating structure is 
initialized to the value of <att>startindex</att>. If the initial 
<el>startindex</el> is less than 1 it defaults to 1. If the index is 
greater than the initial node-set then it defaults to the size of the 
          <p> User interface as specified by the <el>repeat</el> is 
generated for the requisite number of members of the collection as 
specified by attributes on element <el>repeat</el>. </p>
      <p> The processing model for repeating structures uses an 
<emph>index</emph> that points to the <emph>current</emph> item in the 
instance data. This repeat index is accessed via XForms function 
<function>index</function> <specref ref="fn-index"/> and manipulated via 
XForms Action <el>setindex</el> <specref ref="action-setindex"/>. This 
index is used as a reference point for <code>insert</code> and 
<code>delete</code> operations. Notice that the contained XForms form 
controls inside element <el>repeat</el> do not explicitly specify the 
index of the collection entry being populated. This is intentional; it 
keeps both authoring as well as the processing model simple.</p>
      <p> The binding expression attached to the repeating sequence 
returns a node-set of the collection being populated, not an individual 
node. Within the body of element <el>repeat</el>, binding expressions are 
evaluated with a context node of the node determined by the index. Repeat 
processing uses XPath expressions to address the collection over which 
element <el>repeat</el> operates. </p>
      <p> The form controls appearing inside <el>repeat</el> need to be 
suitable for populating individual items of the collection. A simple but 
powerful consequence of the above is that if the XForms Model specifies 
nested collections, then a corresponding user interface can nest 
<el>repeat</el> elements. </p>
    <div3 id="ui-nested-repeats">
      <head>Nested Repeats</head>
      <p> It is possible to nest repeat elements to create more powerful 
user interface for editing structured data. <specref 
ref="bookmarks-in-x-smiles"/> is an example of a form using nested repeats 
to edit hierarchical data consisting of bookmarks within multiple 
sections. Consider the following <code>insert</code> statement that 
appears as part of that example. </p>
        <head>Repeat Index and Nested Repeats</head>
        <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;xforms:insert 
      <p> The above <code>insert</code> statement is used in that example 
to add new bookmark entries into the <emph>currently selected</emph> 
section. The inner (nested) repeat operates on bookmarks in this selected 
section; The indexâ??as returned by XForms function 
<function>index</function>â??for this inner repeat starts at 
<code>1</code>. Hence, after a new empty section of bookmarks is created 
and becomes <emph>current</emph>, the first <emph>insert bookmark</emph> 
operation adds the newly created bookmark at the front of the list.</p>
    <div3 id="ui-repeat-ui">
      <head>User Interface Interaction</head>

      <p> Element <el>repeat</el> enables the binding of user interaction 
to a homogeneous collection. The number of displayed items might be less 
than the total number available in the collection. In this case, the 
presentation would render only a portion of the repeating items at a given 
time. For example, a graphical user interface might present a scrolling 
table. The current item indicated by the repeat index should be made 
available to the user at all times, for example, not allowed to scroll out 
of view. The XForms Actions enumerated at <specref ref="action"/> may be 
used within event listeners to manipulate the homogeneous collection being 
populated by scrolling, inserting, and deleting entries. </p>

            <p>Notice that the markup encapsulated by element 
<el>repeat</el> acts as the template for the user interface that is 
presented to the user. As a consequence, statically authored 
<code>IDREF</code> attributes must be interpreted based on a combination 
of repeat indexes and where the IDREF attributes appear relative to the 
element bearing the matching ID. Based on the IDREF resolution rules given 
in <specref ref="idref-resolve"/>, it is possible to toggle the 
<el>case</el> of a <el>switch</el> even when it is within one or more 
<el>repeat</el> elements.  Similarly, it is possible to set the focus to 
controls and dispatch events to elements that are within one or more 
<el>repeat</el> elements.</p>
            <p>If the focus is transferred to a control within a 
<el>repeat</el> by any means, such as by an XForms action or by user 
interaction, the index of the <el>repeat</el> is changed to indicate the 
item of the homogeneous collection that contains the control. This effect 
is recursive; the index of each containing <el>repeat</el> is adjusted 


Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2007 00:25:00 UTC