Re: Setting up the group: GitHub repo

On 03/09/2020 18:16, 梁海 Liang Hai wrote:
> Originally I envisioned that this CG would quickly need many more repos 
> for specific projects. But then the recent charter discussion 
> <> points out a 
> potential direction that, in long term, we restrict this CG’s scope to 
> non-technical contributions, and spin off new groups (with their own 
> specific charters) for specific technical projects. In that way, we 
> indeed won’t need that much flexibility for GitHub org-level control.

I feel like the YAGN principle applies.

If the charter is accepted and this CG just becomes a "meeting point" 
for spawning more technical issues (which I agree would benefit from W3C 
tooling), do we really need all the W3C tools for *this* group?

Received on Friday, 4 September 2020 08:41:15 UTC