Re: Setting up the group: GitHub repo

Yes, i think so.  For example, we in the W3C i18n activity will almost 
certainly want to track some of the discussions, and be automatically 
notified about changes.  We have that automatically set up under the W3C 
domain. There's also a stronger guarantee for permanence of the 
discussion threads, which will be useful for future reference.  And if 
the group moves forward and develops deliverables, it will create new 
repos, and there will be some benefits to having all the repos in the 
same domain.


Simon Cozens wrote on 04/09/2020 09:40:
> If the charter is accepted and this CG just becomes a "meeting point" 
> for spawning more technical issues (which I agree would benefit from 
> W3C tooling), do we really need all the W3C tools for *this* group? 

Received on Friday, 4 September 2020 09:24:09 UTC