Re: URGENT: Meeting of Social IG/WG at TPAC 2014 Oct 26-31st?

Good morning,

as I'm not sure how open this invitation is, before answering I'd like
to know if anyone knew foundations or associations to ask for travel
I know there are many institutions that send people around the world,
but also for events like this?

Thanks in advance,


2014-05-24 20:57 GMT+02:00 Harry Halpin <>:
> Everyone,
> The charters are still under review, but assuming the review goes well,
>  we need to decide if we are going to do a meeting at TPAC.
> The meeting will be at TPAC in Santa Clara California (Silicon
> Valley), collocated with the rest of the W3C Working Groups and the
> Web at 25 celebration.
> We can meet for 1 or 2 days - or not at all if we want to wait for the
> charters to be approved.
> Any preference?
> See more here:
> W3C TPAC 2014 (Oct 26-31st):
> Web at 25 Celebration:
> If we don't get any or enough preferences in by the end of week, we will
> lose the ability to book a room. We will need at least 10 people who
> signal they can attend.
> Might be a great way to kick off the new work!
> cheers,
>    harry

Received on Monday, 26 May 2014 14:24:11 UTC