URGENT: Meeting of Social IG/WG at TPAC 2014 Oct 26-31st?


The charters are still under review, but assuming the review goes well,
 we need to decide if we are going to do a meeting at TPAC.

The meeting will be at TPAC in Santa Clara California (Silicon
Valley), collocated with the rest of the W3C Working Groups and the
Web at 25 celebration.

We can meet for 1 or 2 days - or not at all if we want to wait for the
charters to be approved.

Any preference?

See more here:

W3C TPAC 2014 (Oct 26-31st):

Web at 25 Celebration:

If we don't get any or enough preferences in by the end of week, we will
lose the ability to book a room. We will need at least 10 people who
signal they can attend.

Might be a great way to kick off the new work!


Received on Saturday, 24 May 2014 18:58:01 UTC