Agenda & Reminder: fedidcg (APAC/Americas) call, 27/28 September 2021

Hello all!

Our next call is coming up this Monday at 17:00 UTC-7 (Tuesday at 09:00 UTC +9; other timezone conversions are on the meeting agenda page). The agenda, including links to the internal-fed-id mailing list message with the Zoom details, is available in our GitHub meeting repository:

On our last call we continued exploring the user stories that would set the boundaries for what is unequivocally sanctioned tracking, and equally what is unequivocally unsanctioned tracking and discussed terminology.

The chairs (Tim, Kris, and I) drafted an issue template to try and organize that exercise. I encourage you to take a few moments before the call to write up an appropriate user story in the use case library repository:

Remember, we do have a Slack channel if people would like to discuss in advance of the call. I’ll repost the join link to the internal-fed-id mailing list.

Heather Flanagan
Spherical Cow Consulting

  Translator of Geek to Human

Received on Sunday, 26 September 2021 01:55:31 UTC