Re: Final(?) draft of the Binary Module

I am thinking of creating an abstract impl of this, whereby a platform need
only implement a couple interfaces. Before I go to this effort, would
anyone be interested in building their implementation on top of my abstract
On 21 Sep 2013 10:51, "John Lumley" <> wrote:

>  We're pleased to announce the publication of, we hope, the near-final
> draft of the Binary module specification.
> The specification, differential markup and xml definition can be found at:
> I think all the comments have been taken into account, and we look forward
> to this moving towards 1.0 status as soon as practicable.
> A qt3 testsuite (some 190 test cases) has been developed, and tested, and
> is currently in GitHub at
> [github]/expath/expath-cg/tree/master/tests/qt3/binary
> (Many thanks to Florent Georges for patiently 'fine-graining' my
> differential markup - I'll know better for the future and perhaps it'll
> stir me to work on some additional tools. ;-) )
> Jirka Kosek, John Lumley
> --
> *John Lumley* MA PhD CEng FIEE
> on behalf of Saxonica Ltd

Received on Saturday, 21 September 2013 13:13:50 UTC